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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I'm gonna necro this thread.. it's still the same in FM24. I've been aware of the red card = better AI for years and years and I've tried everything to combat it. Formation changes, attacking mentality changes (both ways), shouts of all flavours. I've even taken advantage of it occasionally myself... game is level, I lose a man, don't change anything significantly and win the match. Long story short, nothing works. It's bollocks that losing a man can't be reliably exploited.. actually the opposite... it's damn hard to even maintain parity! If you go a man down IRL, you don't expect to outscore the opponent (which happens regularly in FM). Please figure out why this happens SI.. it's not a rare occurrence and needs addressing.
  2. Not sure if posted previously, couldn't find it. I noticed this for the first time after thousands of matches played in FM24.. not sure if it's happened before but it was really easy to spot because of the timing. Playing the in the English Championship with no VAR. First shot of the game in the 2nd minute. Highlight in the ME: cut back from close-in to an unmarked player 8 yards out centre of goal he shoots (on target) with another attacker in an offside position the ball hits a defender and deflects fractionally but still goes in, and the goal is awarded to the original attacker who shot The score goes to 1-0, xG jumps to around 0.6. Ref blows his whistle, offside. Score returns to 0-0, but the xG stays at 0.6 and the games goes on as normal. I checked the ref's rating for that game and it was 7.1. If he'd made a howler and the goal should have stood, I'd expect it to be lower. It's my understanding that disallowed goals don't count towards xG IRL and, as the goal was awarded (briefly) for the original shot, that's where play should have been called back to and the xG would be wiped. Hardly game breaking, just thought I'd mention it. For the save game file, it's the last game played vs Ipswich 2-2
  3. Hi I'll add to this thread rather than start a new one. I have the same issue. I'm in season 10 (2031-2032). I'm playing as Dartford, going from Conference to EPL/UCL. I've kept a check on the "Develop players using the club's youth system" for the last few seasons since I first noticed the oddity. It's always said "Devastated".. is that the worst it can be? The average age of my used-squad (25 players roughly) is about 22, and that's the highest it's ever been. Almost every player I've ever had was poached at 15 or 16, came directly through my own academy or, in the case of foreign players, bought at 18/19. I've tried to remove this requirement from my club vision when negotiating, but my board won't have it. I've uploaded my save to cloud.. it's called: JaseMcNotty- Dartford 176.fm Thanks
  4. Quick follow up. It does look like an stadium ownership problem. Checked an earlier save: Nothing mentioned about Rent in Facilities "Club Owned By" says "Dartford" Since the problem started, there is Rent £65m, and it says "Owned By" (not Club Owned By) "Council" This must have changed during the initial renovation works. Effectively, we gave the Council our stadium so they could add 2000 standing capacity, and have them charge us £5m a month rent... I'm guessing they're not gonna give it back.
  5. I'll try to recap the facts as I remember them. I'll include the latest save as well I gained promotion with Dartford from VNS to VNL in England The board added a few thousand (standing) capacity to the stadium. While the work was being done, we rented/shared the ground of Dagenham (Victoria Road) The work took from July to December roughly (same year). Ground maintenance costs went through the roof during this time, around £5m a month. I added a sugar daddy in the editor before starting the save, otherwise I'd have died long ago. In the Facilities section it now says "Rent £65m", where before there was nothing listed for rent (we owned it). Once the work was complete, we moved back to our regular ground, but my "Youth Stadium" still says Victoria Road (Dag's ground), whereas before it said the same as the senior team. My ground maintenance costs are still £5m a month, in April now, long moved back to our regular ground. Assuming it's a bug, the possible reasons could be: Youth Stadium did not get reset to the regular senior ground when renovation works completed.. so we're still (and probably always will be) paying rent for our youth teams. Stadium Rent did not get reset correctly when works completed, if it's just a single field in the database. Something changed regarding the ownership of the regular stadium (unlikely though) .. slight side-bug: what kind of lunatic board of directors agreed to £65m pa to rent a 6k capacity stadium for a few games a month.. i'm not hosting Taylor Swift dontyerknow
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