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Everything posted by geo_athan

  1. The game will inevitably readjust their attributes after a certain time period (unless you click Freeze Attributes, of course). That 200CA is probably just the max shown value by the interface.
  2. I obviously understand the base functionality, but I was wondering how it works specifically when it comes to Consistency and going over 200CA. For example, setting a player's every attribute to 20 would result in him technically needing 300 or even 400 CA points. However, the game will allow you to use that edited player regardless of his actual CA. So, my question here is how does Consistency tie to that? Does the game adjust a player's attributes as it normally would before every game? Say he has 150CA and the Consistency roll brings him down to 140 for a specific match; would his attributes for that match be downgraded to match 140CA? I'm asking because I have been experimenting with a weird challenge and I have this one edited superhuman player. He routinely carries the team and averages like 9.0, but then he'll often have the occasional 6.4 stinker and I was trying to figure out what's what. Anyway, a bit of an inconsequential question, but I thought I'd ask. Cheers!
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