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Posts posted by jonboym

  1. 5 hours ago, herne79 said:

    For me, Positioning and Marking go hand in glove (for a central defender at least).

    Positioning is all about how well a player moves when defending in order to take up appropriate defensive positions.

    Marking helps a player take up a "position" near an opponent to help make that opponent a less attractive passing option.  Hopefully you can see how "Positioning" can help with that.

    Whilst I like Positioning and Marking for any central defender, it can be more important when playing a deeper defensive line as your players become less likely to make challenges (assuming no associated TIs) and so picking up players off the ball increases in importance - you have to work the space better, rather than playing the man with the ball.


    2 hours ago, summatsupeer said:

    The simplest way I can put it is:

    Positioning is being in the right location in relation to your teammates and where the ball is.  Useful to cut out through balls, crosses etc

    Marking is being able to track players around you and being able aware of there movement/runs.  Useful for tracking players.

    Thank you guys, that really helps.  One follow question is do these two attributes have any use with regard to closing down?  Obviously this needs work rate, teamwork, stamina, acceleration but does having good positioning and maybe marking improve the effectiveness of closing down ie by cutting out passing options for the player being closed down?

  2. I've never truly grasped the meaning of certain attributes (yes I've looked at the manual and various guides), so I thought I'd see if I can clear up some of my specific misunderstandings here.

    The first one I'd like to understand better is marking attribute and how it relates to positioning.  i.e. What match situations would I need defenders with high positioning vs high marking vs both?

    Is marking attribute mean man -marking or does it include zonal marking?

    Is positioning more relate to cutting off space and passing options?  Or does positioning also apply to dealing with runners?

  3. In terms of players being tactically aware of their own team-mates what is more important, teamwork or anticipation? I know the former has some effect on players being aware and acting on what team mates are doing and I know that anticipation has an influence on players correctly guessing opponents play but wasn't sure on whether anticipation also applied to anticipating teammates too.

    What set me thinking about this is players deciding to make a run just as a team mate decides to pass to where the first player was but as hes no longer there the pass goes astray. Would that be bad anticipation or bad teamwork or possibly both?

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