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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I dont know if I've done something wrong but I can't find the option when creating a "non player" to select their gender. Any help would be very much appreciated
  2. I recently upgraded to windows 11 which coincided with the winter update for FM. Today I have reverted my windows back to windows 10, and so far no flashing in the match engine.
  3. Hi, I tried those steps yesterday after seeing them in another forum, didn't work for me unfortunately.
  4. I'm also getting the flickering screen issue in both 2D and 3D. It's only happened for me since the winter update.
  5. As you can see above, I have uploaded screenshots of what I set the opposition instructions to be before a match starts and then what happens when a sub is made during the match.
  6. I have also encountered this issue today. I normally use a custom skin, but have also tried it with the default skin and still the same issue.
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