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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I updated my laptop and everything was normal again i was delighted then all of a sudden it returns ugh this damn bug
  2. First i tried it without all the files including the pitch texture but when i played the game the pitch was blue for some reason. So i put it back and in 2 seasons i realised that the game was normal for august then from september to early february it was back to the night matches thing then from around 10th february it was normal again until the end of the season. And i also realised that matches at 12 30 pm were normal and in the day across the whole save but matches at 2pm, 3 pm , 4 30 pm etc are the the matches that had the night problem.
  3. they are config.xml Daveincid's ITALY LEAGUE RULES FIX.fmf Daveincid's REALISTIC INJURIES.fmf Daveincid's SPAIN LEAGUE RULES FIX.fmf youth_175_87587.fmf I also have a folder called art for pitch textures tell me if i need to upload that
  4. Yes it is happening in every new save. And when setting up the game i just use advanced setup, and tick all my downloads in the editor data and load up five leagues
  5. i reinstalled the game and deleted the skin its still at night at this point ive given up. Thank you so much for your help Zachary Whyte
  6. I did what you suggested but its still night time, after moving the cache and preferences as well as verifying files i loaded in and loaded on the tato skin and played a match on december 2nd what was suppose to be at 3 30pm but i played it and it was in the the night. Please is there anything else i can do?
  7. Everytime i put a custom skin on the game all matches are at night when its suppose to be at 3pm or 12 30pm please help me fix it
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