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Everything posted by ivosaurio

  1. thanks for the quick reply! this is my system. now, i know that it may be a bit over the top with the roles, but i wanted to take advantage of the talent gap and have some fun with a very fluid system, and it works! we consistently create quality chances and we are the best team defensively, we just cannot score the goals lol. do you think your suggestions would work as a plan B?
  2. how can i deal with the opposition defending inside the box with up to 9 players and GK against me? i’m the best team in the league by far and we average 60% possession and 2xG per game. yet, we are underperforming because most of our shots get either blocked or deflected
  3. maybe diniz is already out of work, but be sure that some of us are still trying to replicate his style!
  4. im asking because i have been constantly training players with player traits for a few seasons, and i have a few players with 7-8 different traits. i wouldn’t say i have noticed any negatives from this, but i don’t think i could really notice because i don’t have a reference. so can anyone tell me if i’ve been stunting my players development ever since i started the save or is it fine? obviously, i’m talking about “complimentary” traits that suit the player’s attributes and don’t contradict each other, because i could see the clear disadvantages of training both “plays short simple passes” and “likes to switch the ball”
  5. so, i think we can all agree that this years touch game was a disappointment. sure, they shoehorned in a few features, but fundamentally it’s still the same flawed game as last year, in fact, i would argue that it’s a worse game than last year since they ruined set pieces by removing the old system and implementing a half-baked version of the new system. now, my conundrum is (at least in my country) apple arcade is raising its price from $3.99 to $5.72 per MONTH. it’s a lot more money for me, and i don’t think that i’m ready to pay for it, considering the fact that we still have exactly the same bugs as last year, even the ones i flagged and i was told by a developer they would “look into it”, and if the time since it’s release has showed us something, looks like history is repeating itself with developers not addressing none of the complaints related to the old bugs thus far. you would think we would get at least some feedback from them considering we are paying them monthly. i don’t know if apple arcade is doing the same everywhere, but i would like to know y’all’s take on this, and maybe amplify this conversation in hopes of developers noticing.
  6. not being able to thinker with players roles in the new set piece creator is proving to be a massive stinker this year. i’m more convinced than ever that this “overhauled” system is a step backwards in an already poorly developed feature. please explain to me why would my 1.86 striker with 14 jumping and 13 heading is doing a Kane in Euro 2016 in the dying minutes of a match after a few substitutions? he is not even selected to be a taker, yet he is doing it ahead of other players better suited for the task.
  7. hey, how have your systems fared since the update? i have found that the development on implementing positional play has really affected the way we play :/ i’m yet to tweak anything with the old system, but from watching a few matches, i can see that we play way more rigidly and not close enough to form short passing plays or counter press effectively. it’s funny, because i always thought that players getting in the same positions helped to this cause, but that seems to have been ironed out have you found a way to make it work?
  8. looks good visually, but i really can’t tell you how disappointed i was when i found out that the single most deal breaking bug for me last year, which i flagged myself, wasn’t even addressed by the looks of it. everything around the advanced stats is totally broken, you can’t even look at xG on a squad view, you have to manually look through every single player to get any information. it only works with your own players, so scouting by stats is just impossible. i was just as disappointed to see that we still can’t look at the analytics of any match, so preparing for important games relies on just guessing what the other team may do, it really breaks the immersion. honestly, no amount of ME and graphics upgrades will ever make up for this game-breaking bugs not being addressed. this was the nail in the coffin. why is this a thing? what’s the point of “overhauling” the set piece creator if you can’t actually create a set piece?? sure it helps that the game gives you a structure, but surely we should be able to swap players around right? i don’t want one of my best creators staying back just because he is a defensive monster, or a good counterattacking player defending in the box. in my eyes, this are enough bad things to make this “feature” feel the same as the old set piece creator, or even worse…
  9. hey guys, what’s your take on what combination of passing directness, tempo and mentality works best for this style? because from what i understand, the idea is to play risky passes into congested areas, which normally would be avoided, but this doesn’t really happen in the current ME. i’ve been playing with higher tempo, much shorter passing and positive mentality, but i found that it made us loose the ball too often to miss placed passes or long balls. then i tried lowering the tempo and mentality and it’s okay, but anything below balanced is too different of an approach for me
  10. thanks to everyone for your input! i was surprised as well lol, but i think it works because we are one of the top teams in the league. we keep so much possession against the rest of the league that all they can do is hoof the ball, but as i said, my CB are fairly decent with balls over the top or through passes, they get so many interceptions per match. looking at the match reports of the matches since our bad run started, i think the biggest problem is finishing, because we are creating some really good chances but we can’t score them to save our lives. to be fair, in the match against AC Horsens, their keeper had an insane 13 saves or something like that, but we still lacked the finishing. in the AGF match, they played with a 5-3-2 deep block(most teams play this way against me), and it is where i discovered that our inability to break them down was heavily influenced by the physical disparity. i know that the best solution is just to recruit stronger players, but that’s not possible until january, so i need something more immediate. i really like your suggestions, but i feel like changing too much the double pivot isn’t the right approach, because their ability to roam is what makes this tactic tick. they are all over the pitch, helping with ball progression, plus having them “clump” together is intentional, helps with the overloads and best approaches the real life style i want to emulate. having said that, im open to changing the REG, either to a SV on support for those deeper runs, or something more halfback-y and complement it with a role change somewhere else, and i would like to see what my players with great playmaking attributes can do with that deeper position. also, i would like to know what do you think on the striker dilemma, should i make him drop deeper or basically have him as P or AF with early crosses? none of my strikers cant compete aerially, but they are really good mentally (high anticipation, determination, etc) btw, i know that this is a really risky approach, and im happy with that, because it produces some great football and we are way better than the rest of the league, so why not? tho, since the fiorentina loss, i have decided to use a more conservative tactic for the champions league, and it worked wonders against shakhtar! just to make sure you dont think im crazy lol
  11. thanks for the tips! here is my tactic, hopefully it helps thanks! that’s actually the default setting of my tactic. the idea is to play as “relationist” as the ME will allow, this means, relying on the creativity of my players, having them playing as close to each other as possible to keep possession and advance the ball through quick interchanges and carries. that is the reasoning behind my recruitment as well, we need these exact kind of players to pull it off. the problem is, at this level, those players don’t tend to be particularly physically imposing, plus i’m trying to build the club up through developing players, which makes recruiting stronger players harder. at least we are all right at the back. we barely concede any shots due to having 60%+ possession, and my players are perfectly suited to play a high line at this level. the problem is, once we get to the final third we hit a brick wall. what i have found is that my attacking players get shrugged off the ball far too easily and we are unable to create coherent attacking sequences (at least we are great at winning the ball back and keeping up the pressure). thanks! this was my understanding on how to break down a deep block, i'm just having trouble on how to implement this ideas into my tactic without sacrificing too much of our play style. for example, i want my AM to roam around and help progress the ball depending on what flank the ball is being played. this creates overloads of 5 to 6 players near the ball, usually leaving either the opposite wide player or the wing back on a 1v1. A few ideas i have tried with varying degrees of success: -switching the IW to attack -playing around with the striker role (still can’t decide if it’s better for this purpose for him to drop deep and help in possession or to constantly push and disrupt the back line) -changing the REG to a SV on attack, or alternatively, switching him to a half back and having two CWB of course, this haven’t worked that well since we are still yet to score an open play goal since our losing run started
  12. hey guys, i need some help. i have been trying to switch my tactical identity to a very technical and fluid approach, with lots of rotations, possession and dribbles. so far, it has worked because we are favorites for the title, and one of the richest clubs in the league. my current system is a bit striker dependent, since we use mostly support roles, but we used to create really high quality chances, and it’s still the case. recently, we are on a losing streak because of a lack of goals. only one goal (a penalty) in the last four matches, and the xg numbers have been gradually coming down, from consistently getting over 2xg to barely getting 1xg. from the eye test, what i have noticed, my players really struggle physically against the opposition, specially in the league. my squad is really lacking in physicality compared to the rest of the league, but we make up for it in the technique and mental department, and every team outside the top four plays with a deep block against us. what would be your suggestions to get better attacks against deep blocks you can’t compete with in strength, having highly technical players?
  13. sorry about the wait, just a busy sunday these are the PI’s for this tactic above: SK: Pass it shorter, Take fewer risks (this is in the attempt of making him play out the back without the actual instruction, but sometimes he will still just punt it long, any suggestion?) FB: Pass it shorter, Cross from byline, Shoot less often, Get further forward BPD: Pass it shorter, Dribble more CD: Pass it shorter, Take fewer risks CWB: Pass it shorter, Dribble more, Shoot less often REG: Pass it shorter, Shoot less often, Stay wider RPM: Pass it shorter, Shoot less often, Dribble more, Run wide with the ball, Close down less T: Pass it shorter, Shoot less often AP: Pass it shorter, Roam from position, Move into channels IW: Pass it shorter, Shoot less often, Stay wider AF: Pass it shorter NOTE: i’m not an expert in this at all, and i’m sure some of this are redundant or even actively affecting the way we play, but i honestly wouldn’t know, so please let me know what you think! which ones should stay or go? thank you for your input! that’s a good call, it’s just silly that when the ball carrier has quite literally 5 players around him to play a pass, he decides to launch the ball into stratosphere in hopes of the AF getting to it. i was already thinking of a poacher as an alternative, gonna give it a try. yep, that’s something i’ve played around now that we have started the league games in the test save. there’s some matches were the players just go haywire and pretend they are playing on very attacking, so i turn it down to balanced until we get more control of the match and then maybe go back up to positive if we haven’t scored yet by then. as of the videos, ended up posting them on youtube, please enjoy! maybe these will encourage you to try this for yourselves and hopefully improve upon it https://youtu.be/UvbkiiZD5Dw https://youtu.be/wnY6PztYtqU https://youtu.be/7pHAmO8B6zs https://youtu.be/_WL3i_CIBkk https://youtu.be/PKLnxARwnUY https://youtu.be/JA9lXXbkXso https://youtu.be/Quxq6Wx-9mU
  14. hey guys! so, after lots of testing, i accidentally came up with a this version of @Fox-7-’s tactic, and let me say, it has been by far the closest thing i have seen to the source material in the match engine, with really fluid movement, tabelas, first touch passes, and most importantly, building up play down the flanks!!! just a few things: i think you need a certain kind of player for this style, definitely high first touch, technique, anticipation, maybe even flair. for example, first touch is a priority in my recruitment strategy, even for my center backs. also, this tactic is relies on the striker to score the goals and chance quality over quantity. in the matches i’ve played it, we created lots of really high quality chances against weaker teams, im talking literal tap ins from inside the penalty box that any striker would score, but you really need more of a clinical profile (very much like IRL Cano) to score against better teams, when chances will still be high quality but much scarcer. there’s quite a few PI’s too, but i don’t really have time to write them down right now, i’ll do it later, don’t worry. also, i recorded a few videos of some beautiful passing sequences to show you how it plays out in the ME, but it’s like seven of them, and since it’s my first time posting i have no idea how to share them. thought about turning all of them into really bad quality gifs, but i didn’t think you would appreciate that lol, so any recommendations on how to do it would be great!
  15. thanks for your input! @Fox-7- so, a couple of thoughts. since your latest post, i haven’t played my main save, so no news on that front, but i set up a “test save” from the same point of the season. the idea is to use it to try out all this little tweaks in a more “systematic” way. i’m playing on the touch version, so there’s no tactical familiarity to worry about, and the ME is pretty much the same, but correct me if i’m wrong of course. something we can all agree on is that you definitely need a certain kind of players to pull this off. in our league the average attribute level is 11, and my team is way above it in both technical and mental attributes (we are mostly below average physically tho), so this provides a great starting point. so far i have played two games, again, against lesser teams, both fairly emphatic wins. i tried some of the changes you talked about; implementing a REG and RPM for the double pivot, plus an EG mostly to look at his movements, since i’m actually pretty happy with the original AP. ticked off WBIB, Drible Less and Play out of defense. changed to Balanced mentality, standard tempo and shorter passing. what i have noticed from the two games, purely by the eye test: -much more direct, a bit too much, without WBIB, my players are always looking for the AF with long balls and early crosses -definitely need to find an alternative to the AF role, he makes us a bit too direct, but i will actually look more closely to Cano’s profile first, because i want to stay as true as possible to the source material. i’m thinking maybe a poacher? let me know what you think -it seems like we really are dependent on the striker to score the goals, every open play goal we have scored since changing to this style has been from this position. but i’m happy to inform that i have tried three different players here, and they all have scored multiple goals, so we must be creating quality chances. -i have some problems with the EG-RPM-REG core. the double pivot seems to be working okay, in terms of vertical and horizontal movement, although i’m yet to test it against stronger opposition, because my players tend to loose a lot of duels, thus making us really vulnerable to turn overs. the EG is a no no for me tho, he is just too static in the center of the pitch, perfect for relationist play through the middle, but a ghost if we try to play down the flanks. i find the AP’s roaming to be more suitable to this specific style. -thinking of maybe changing the REG, because he plays way too many long passes instead of keeping the ball -a bit of tweaking is needed to play out without the actual instruction, it is definitely possible, but for example i haven’t seen my CDs as deep as the goalkeeper during a goal kick -it needs further testing, but play out of defense ticked off seems to make the attacking players come infield during goal kicks. there were some passages of play where both wide players were in the AM area when playing out, and the AP dropped really deep, almost like a central midfielder. also, the trequartista gets in some really nice pockets of space in this AM positioning, sometimes offering a passing option for a more direct pass from the defender or the pivots, ala De Zerbi. -thinking about switching one or both of the CDs to BPD with dribble more, because it’s something Diniz asks his center backs to do if i remember correctly from a few analysis i’ve read about him. plus, correct me if im wrong, but this would help us maybe be more direct against deeper blocks but without sacrificing possession, and maybe sometimes opening passing lanes to more attacking players, leading to passing sequences involving the center backs as well? let me know what you think, i’m no expert lol that’s all for now, but i will create a bigger sample size to give you stronger data please feel free to give your opinion on any of these claims, and let’s keep this feedback loop going!
  16. this thread has some interesting ideas maybe worth trying, i’m specially intrigued by the claim that play out of defense TI makes your players pin back the opposing defense instead of coming near the ball https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/572366-which-instructions-i-can-use-to-make-my-players-come-near-the-ball/ i don’t mean this as spam, i’m just too invested in making this work lol
  17. Hey! I have been trying your tactic in my Nordsjaelland save for a few preseason friendlies, because i had been using a three at the back that won me a “treble” the season earlier (it was conference league tho lol), but i didn’t really enjoyed watching the games, it was a very automatic style and had no room for crazy passing sequences or stuff like that. So i decided to give your tactic a try, since my squad was built for a barcelona inspired tactic (short, creative and technical players). so far, i haven’t seen many problems in attack or defense, with the caveat that they were games against bottom half clubs. we scored some beautiful goals, and incidentally, we have a really good rest defense thanks to the support fullback and my RPM has looked like prime kimmich. I think i will keep it for the beginning of the season and see how it fares in the champions league. now to the questions. i can see that more often than not my players look for long balls to the AF, which is fine because he gets to them most of the time, the problem is that it isn’t very on brand. i have tried setting every outfield player to Pass it short PI, and Take fewer risks to the usual suspects, but i haven’t noticed a difference quite yet. any idea how to work around it? also, it’s really hard to get the players to clump up on the flanks, probably due to the ME, has anyone found a way to make it work? i thought about off setting the AP but that would forces down one side i think. in terms of the wide players with the switching position instruction, sometime it works and sometimes it’s just like nothing happened. in some transitional moments they get stuck half switch and end up on the same side of the pitch but very briefly only. i thought about maybe moving them to AM position, but i didn’t want to sacrifice the passages of play when we keep the ball on one of the flanks and the trequartista is completely free in a one on one against the opposition fb. just a few thoughts, and i wanted to know what more experienced people like you lot would think about it.
  18. great, thanks! but then it’s safe to assume that it wasn’t patched on this last update right? any clue how long it would take?
  19. I have a few problems with the stats side of the game, which was strongly marketed ahead of the new release, but is rendered useless at least in the touch version on ipad. whenever i try to scout players using advanced stats, such as xG, NP xG, etc, I get zero results, because apparently the game just doesn’t calculate them for players not part of your club. when i checked for this stats using a custom view for my own players, every advanced stat column got a 0.0, as if they had never played any game, even though it’s january in my save. I’m sure it’s a bug because you can actually find this stats in the report tab of your own players, but nowhere else, so it’s basically useless by how inefficient it is. On that note, a slightly different complaint; i don’t know if it’s a “feature” or a bug, but why are there so few stats available to look at? why is the league’s player stats tab the only place where i can look at headers won ratio for literally any player but my own? why are the scouting by stats filters only allowing to look at goalkeepers and forwards stats? no key passes, no headers won, not even pass completion. and the few that are available don’t even work. pleas fix this issues, it’s been like four months the game is out, it’s impossible for it to take this long to fix this huge bugs, i’m quite literally paying you MONTHLY to do your job.
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