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Posts posted by Brandwin

  1. On 28/02/2023 at 19:37, Marc Vaughan said:

    Not a problem at all - both are the same genre (Football Management) but they're styled somewhat differently - The apple arcade version (FMT/C) is a much heavier/in-depth style game and a lot slower to play than FMM which is a lighter and faster experience with a little more explanation about things as you go along.

    FMM has a 2d top down mode, will give you more feedback on the outcome of your actions (so you have a better chance of understanding and can make good decisions moving forward), is faster and somewhat simpler to play

    FMC/T has a 3d display for the match, gives less feedback (or is more realistic depending on your viewpoint) and is slower.

    Thanks. For a newer person to the game and sport so you suggest FMM over FMC/T then?

  2. Hello all,


    Excuse my ignorance -I am very new to soccer, like a few months new. I figured this game may help me learn more about certain aspects, so not having real teams or players wonder hinder me since I don’t know much about either as it it , but I had a few questions. I am assuming the difference between the mobile version and touch is just buying it out right or having an Apple Arcade subscription? And do you all think this will help me learn the game better as far as things like strategy and transfers etc? 

    Thanks in advance 


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