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72 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. I suppose it's because otherwise you could not see the black console in the purple section
  2. Sure. Don't worry,I was not referring directly to your comments, mine was more general!
  3. Moreover, given one of the screenshots released in June, we could immagine 2D will be there as usual
  4. That's the thing. Nobody talked about a new ME. Just a new graphic interface, On one side we could argue that if they strugled a lot without a new ME, they are into the s*** because having all those issues with a merely revamp of the graphic it's a terrible sign. On the other side, we could imagine that they faced issues/delays because they changed so many things that everything will be upside down, which could be a good opportunity for massive improvements. We don't know yet, so there is no need to be pessimistic or optimistic. The only thing we could do is to sit and wait.
  5. Although I am very disappointed with the announcement (nothing revealed, the trailer is more a teaser, we know nothing about the "revolutioned" core of the game...), I am starting to understand why they approach is this. They are artificially creating the hype around the game. I expand my reasoning: now-a-day, what counts in terms of marketing, are interactions: every time you click on a post/website you are having an interaction with it. No matters the quality of the interaction (you can click and close right after, or go deeply in the contents of the page...), what is important is to "have" interactions. By not giving you a specific date in the roadmap, they are "forcing" us to follow them, in order to see whether there are any news concerning what they are publishing. Each time we click on the website (or on the X posts of Miles) we are having an interraction with SI. Quantity over quality (which, until a certain extent, is totally acceptable). That said, I hate those kind of things (I am more "old school", i.e. "give me something real, not those kind of bul****t"), but this is how our occidental world works today and this is what they are trying to achieve. Concerning the game, we know almost nothing. Most of us suppose that there will be a new ME, but we don'tknow about it. We only know that (luckily) attributes will be the same as in previous versions of FM, that's it. Am I disappointed? Yes. Am I worried about the current state of the game? Yes, because if you have something great to show you would have shown it (at least a very small part of it). We can aonly suspend the judgment until further news...
  6. https://www.footballmanager.com/games/football-manager-25 out on 26th november. They basically announced only the release date.
  7. First of all, FM does not show the attributes of a Chief doctor. Then, as an example, during the last season in Serie A we had several cases of injuries that required more/less recovery period than expected. Moreover, we got used to the idea that a player is not available for a certain match, but we don't know exactly how close is he to starting to train with the rest of the team again (unless we follow training on a daily basis). I don't find this time range shocking, also because most of the time players are fine at the very beginning of the time period the doctor suggests in the initial evaluation.
  8. I find it realistic. IRL you cannot say exactly how much time you would need to recover from an injury. You have a time range that depends from statistics related to the specific injury and,very important, each body responds in different ways. That is reflected in FM. In addition to this, a Physio is not the right person to evaluate an injury. The Chief Doctor is. Physios do therapies and (of course) have an extensive knowledge of the injury, but of they could evaluate it they should be called doctors. Moreover, athletes evaluate the evolution of an injury on a day-by-day basis.
  9. A great feature would be to have exact attributes visible only after a period of training and matches (not less than 1 month at least). Meanwhile, even if a player is scouted completely, you would be able to see a 2/3 points range (because you have already a clear idea of how the player is anyway)
  10. I don't think so, although it has been already announced that we should have more info by the end of the month. Moreover, the SI logo is even different now.
  11. JUST LOOKING AT THE TITLES, The first two "new roles" for Goalkeepers cannot be defined as "NEW", because the're just a revampof the current GK roles ( (i) Sweeper Keeper - A, and (ii) Goalkeepr - D). The Playmaking Wing-Back is something that they should have included from the Maicon era, at least 15 years ago (but being SI English-based we have this wonderful feature that something is added to the game only if is implemented in the Premier League...). Don't know that Channel Midfielder and Forward will mean, although we have already the Advanced Playmaker and the Trequartista in the game... I have the feeling that more than adding new roles they should focus on allowing more individual instructions to the existent ones, in order to diversify their behaviour on the pitch. Sometimes you don't get the difference between Roaming Playmakers and Advanced Playmaker (S), due to the identical individual instructions (similarly, a No-nonsense full back that stays on the inside while attacking can be the same as an inverted full-back...). Good news we will finally have the out of possession roles, to define more precisely the duties when defending!
  12. I agree on that, althought I defined them misleading because of the weight that the attributes have on the CA (as an example, physical attributes are weighted so much more that some mental attributes). This leads to evaluation that most of the time are biased by physical characteristics of the player. I play without attributes, basing my judgment only on the diamond of attributes and on reports....it is fantastic! I finally enjoy playing FM because it became too easy and now I can even make bad signings
  13. It exists, and it's called FIFA (or eFootball,or whatever is called now-a-day). One of the greatest things of FM is that you don't have an overall, just because each role and each situation requires different attributes. The evaluation stars are already something that is misleading, please let's not add more fluff to the game.
  14. Ok, but it will make the game waaay more interesting. Especially in Italy, clubs need to balance financial situation with transfer markets. They should allow a modality in which finances are very realistic and you need tofinance the club in the way you can (trading players). Now it's too easy to build a very good team when you have no financial difficulties.
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