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Everything posted by Costav

  1. First of all, FM does not show the attributes of a Chief doctor. Then, as an example, during the last season in Serie A we had several cases of injuries that required more/less recovery period than expected. Moreover, we got used to the idea that a player is not available for a certain match, but we don't know exactly how close is he to starting to train with the rest of the team again (unless we follow training on a daily basis). I don't find this time range shocking, also because most of the time players are fine at the very beginning of the time period the doctor suggests in the initial evaluation.
  2. I find it realistic. IRL you cannot say exactly how much time you would need to recover from an injury. You have a time range that depends from statistics related to the specific injury and,very important, each body responds in different ways. That is reflected in FM. In addition to this, a Physio is not the right person to evaluate an injury. The Chief Doctor is. Physios do therapies and (of course) have an extensive knowledge of the injury, but of they could evaluate it they should be called doctors. Moreover, athletes evaluate the evolution of an injury on a day-by-day basis.
  3. A great feature would be to have exact attributes visible only after a period of training and matches (not less than 1 month at least). Meanwhile, even if a player is scouted completely, you would be able to see a 2/3 points range (because you have already a clear idea of how the player is anyway)
  4. I don't think so, although it has been already announced that we should have more info by the end of the month. Moreover, the SI logo is even different now.
  5. JUST LOOKING AT THE TITLES, The first two "new roles" for Goalkeepers cannot be defined as "NEW", because the're just a revampof the current GK roles ( (i) Sweeper Keeper - A, and (ii) Goalkeepr - D). The Playmaking Wing-Back is something that they should have included from the Maicon era, at least 15 years ago (but being SI English-based we have this wonderful feature that something is added to the game only if is implemented in the Premier League...). Don't know that Channel Midfielder and Forward will mean, although we have already the Advanced Playmaker and the Trequartista in the game... I have the feeling that more than adding new roles they should focus on allowing more individual instructions to the existent ones, in order to diversify their behaviour on the pitch. Sometimes you don't get the difference between Roaming Playmakers and Advanced Playmaker (S), due to the identical individual instructions (similarly, a No-nonsense full back that stays on the inside while attacking can be the same as an inverted full-back...). Good news we will finally have the out of possession roles, to define more precisely the duties when defending!
  6. I agree on that, althought I defined them misleading because of the weight that the attributes have on the CA (as an example, physical attributes are weighted so much more that some mental attributes). This leads to evaluation that most of the time are biased by physical characteristics of the player. I play without attributes, basing my judgment only on the diamond of attributes and on reports....it is fantastic! I finally enjoy playing FM because it became too easy and now I can even make bad signings
  7. It exists, and it's called FIFA (or eFootball,or whatever is called now-a-day). One of the greatest things of FM is that you don't have an overall, just because each role and each situation requires different attributes. The evaluation stars are already something that is misleading, please let's not add more fluff to the game.
  8. Ok, but it will make the game waaay more interesting. Especially in Italy, clubs need to balance financial situation with transfer markets. They should allow a modality in which finances are very realistic and you need tofinance the club in the way you can (trading players). Now it's too easy to build a very good team when you have no financial difficulties.
  9. I agree with you that some other parts require more attention. This does not mean that the data hub is something that should be shut down.
  10. This is how the world works in 2024. Your statement is like saying "I don't need a tablet/laptop to analyse the match, give me the VHS of a match and I will analyse it all by my own". Although I agree that there is an excessive americanization of this sport in terms of data, stats, %, etc (footbal is not like basket, baseball or others,when you have a sequnce of repeated actions that you can perfectly summarize with statistics), data are very useful now-a-day (and give you more insight of what happens in the pitch. If you don't like the data hub, please don't look at it. It's very easy!
  11. I don't disagree, but long-term saves are still (a bit, and less than earlier) lacking of something from the AI side
  12. Thank you! Especially considering that we don't agree at all about the presence of weight in the next game!
  13. The thing is that FM24, although for me it is still an improvement compared to the previous versions of the release, still had some issues that they declared to have been improved since, at least, FM22 (I'm talking about real limitations, such as long term AI squad building, AI youth development, Scouting issues, AI managers performance, OP gegenpressing...). And, at least for me, it was acceptable because they had to work on FM25, and this was seen as a "transitional" release (with full game price). The objective last year was to have a very good game with the "universe" well set up. No further features were required (although I understand that now-a-day if you don't create every year some new-amazing features you are considered as sh*t). Now they're saying that they needed more time to develop the game properly (i.e. not buggy)...it sounds like a huge error in planning and translating the entire game on Unity. That's what is disappointing. I am not a big fan of criticizing SI (and I think that this is the first time I'm doing it), but I have the feeling that is all about marketing. Having a very solid work being done within time is not the most important thing. Creating extraordinary hype around something is THE THING (of course, SI is not the only one doing it...). BTW, I am 99% sure I'll buy the game because I like it, but I would have preferred other kind of communications and other decisions from SI this year.
  14. Well, for very young players it does...(or, at least, it increases).
  15. Apparently not. Jump reaching is whats count when contenting the ball in the air.
  16. you're right, my bad. I just highlighted the text starting fromyour answer. I am sorry for this. Unless you want to report me to the police... xD
  17. Same is for the color of the skin. I do not recall SI removing faces/pictures because of racism.... The fact that you don't look at it does not make it a non-topic. You just don't look at it.
  18. Mmm...that means that conceptually height and weight do not have an impact in the ME (and in my opinion this is is wrong). I would have thought about it the other way around when writing the script of the ME.
  19. Although in-match shouts were not working at 100% of their potential, they can be considered as one of the main features of the match-day experience. I mean, is like having a coach that dos not speak a word for the entire match...
  20. I guess you never saw playing Ivan Ramiro Cordoba!
  21. We also need to understand which impact will have on the game. Are there going to be National teams, national team calls....? (I hope so!) Are we going to see managers movement due to International Managment appointments? Those, I guess, are the main questions to evaluate the impact of this removal...
  22. I see what you are trying to explain (and I really sorry that you, as moderator, are taking all the complainings about the announcement. Please be aware that there is nothing personal here), howevere I think that CETERIS PARIBUS (having all other attributes equal), the weight can determine. I mean, immagine two players exactly the same: one is 25kg lower that the other. Who will be the faster? Who will have more stamina? I may imagine why they wanted to remove the visibility of that value, but I believe it's a mistake.
  23. And that means that has an impact on the game. Removing weight (making weight not visible) will reduce our judgment on the physical part of player (other than having effects on immersion...)
  24. Am I wrong or SI explained that for regens there is a direct relation between height and jumping reach?
  25. I believe it takes a good part. I will expand the explanation: The weight is the mass a player needs to "transport" when moving/running...I do believe that, if physics in the game is expressed properly, between two players with same acceleration and pace the one who weights less will be fastest. Same thing for the height. Unless physical attributes are completely disconnected by the body characteristics of each player...
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