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Everything posted by Stags304

  1. I'm on FM21 for reference, but is there something specific about the Champions League that I'm missing? I win league titles, league cups, have great players, pretty much everything I can think of and no matter what my team chronically underperforms in the Champions League. I have built another PSG. I don't get it. I can't tell you how many tactics I've tried. I've read so many forum posts, watched videos, asked other people for help, had other people look over my squad and specifically build tactics for me and still nothing. You would honestly think I'm fielding a U19 group with how poorly we play. Is there anything at all I'm missing? My team has great chemistry. I have no players that don't enjoy big matches, most of them enjoy or relish it as that has become a requirement for me to buy a player at this point. I am completely out of ideas.
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