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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. @Zachary Whyte Thank you for your response. That won't be necessary, I went back on a previous save and played on from there. To note, I did not have any custom database or external files loaded whatsoever. Not even logopacks, facepacks, nothing at all. The save was purely with the base game, and I have in fact never used any external files with FM23. So, the problem is purely an issue with base game. And through my own testing and from what I have read from others, the problem is this: When signing a player who is not set to join right away and does not currently have a club, you have the option to "Have the player join on trial until the move". Selecting this may cause the player to become duplicated when they do eventually join the club, It does not happen every time, but it happened to me 3/6 times, so the issue is prevalent. A fix is to drop the player down to the youth team and recall them, however this is not a solution when managing a side that does not have a youth team (like Atletico Ottawa, whom I was managing). Having reloaded the save to an earlier point and not selecting the "Have the player join on trial until the move" option, there was no issue. To restate, this is a prevalent and game-breaking issue in the base game, and should be addressed ASAP.
  2. @Zachary Whyte @Kyle Brown Can I get an update on this? Its been months. I would like to keep playing the game. Is the save file going to be fixed and returned to me?
  3. Is it possible to have the save file fixed and returned to me so that I can continue playing? Or is uploading the save file just for the team to review and try to fix the bug in a future release? I would really appreciate it if I can continue playing the game.
  4. Hello, I uploaded my save file using the link above from Zachary Whyte. The file was called Atletico Ottawa - Duplicated Player Bug.fm . In this save, Richie Ennin, Brian Galvan, and Kamal Miller are duplicated. If you try to continue in the save and play the next game with the selected lineup, (that includes Kamal Miller and Richie Ennin), you will see the problem. I am unable to continue past the "assigning squad numbers" screen due to the duplicated player bug. Thank you for your help.
  5. I have had the exact same issue. I am playing as Atletico Ottawa in the Canadian Premier League. I have THREE players who have duplicated ahead of my third season. When I attempt to register them in the league, they each count as two players. They also count double against the salary cap. When I go to play them in a match, I am unable to assign them a squad number like in the post above. All of the players were signed with the option of having the player join on trial until they joined the club permanently, as in the original post. I have seen online that a solution is to drop the duplicated player down to a youth team, and they will be un-duplicated when you call them back up. This would not work for me as Atletico Ottawa do not have a youth team. This is a game-breaking bug, and I am unable to continue with my save. I can upload my save file later.
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