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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I have the C.I.S. file downloaded and my fantasy country replaced with C.I.S. Instead of moving Kazachstan to another continent, I made Kazachstan continent-less. My fantasy country (Friesland) has no problems with it at all
  2. I appreciate the things you try, I have the same problems and frustrations as you have with the 23.3/23.4 updates... I created my own nation but I the Nations League and Europe Cup qualifiers miss because the tournaments rules... This line (ignore Russia...) has something to do with it, I still have problem fixing while other International tournaments have problems when I remove it from the Nations League rules.., maybe you can take a look at this rule and maybe you find something so we can get further?
  3. Can't Russia be removed by removing this rule? (the ignore Russia rule) I did for the Nations League but that messed up all other international tournaments Russia normally takes part in. Haven't been able to get it good yet. I'm interested in starting a save with my own fantasy country (Europe, switched the country for Kazachstan) but due to the Russian ban and the fixed participants for Nations League the whole Division C of Nations League and European Cup qualifiers miss when I start a save with my country.
  4. You're right indeed, the best thing to do is to invest in the youth as much as you can, as you're already the top notch team in the country. One of my favourites Dennis Salanovic is now with no club after a stint in Finland, he is a Liechtenstein winger which will be a good add on! Furthermore you can maybe look in France for Gullaume Khous, both them are Liechtenstein players and can give you more depth in your attack.
  5. It really is an easier route, neverthelees a lot of fun though. My FM22 file I played a lot and I made one for FM23 as well, which is currently having some problems because of the Winter update, I'll notify if i get that running problemless again. Good to see my boy Cicek killing it still, the man is a beast! You got any good Liechtenstein players yet for the future?
  6. Imo update 23.4.0 didn't solve anything, still have trouble with my custom databases. Not to load them or anything that's no problem, but first all my created Nations participated in all International competitions (club & nation competitions) and now they don't play & mess up Nations League and EC qualifiers. For Liechtenstein, I created an own league for, National caps are no problem but these teams don't play CL/EL/CL qualifiers anymore ( even in game the competition rules say so ), while this was not a problem before. In FM 22 I made a lot of countries with no problems, now I can't even play my files I had no problems at the beginning of FM 23...
  7. I like Liechtenstein too, had a very fun save with Eschen/Mauren on FM21. Good luck with your challenge, if you like I made a Liechtensteiner Bundesliga a while ago if you're interested for future challenges
  8. Update 23.3.0 really messed up the fun in the editor... Before I made a lot of different nations which were playable along each other. But now that the Nations League teams are seeded, the Nations League will miss a whole division when you remove a team... At first I thought I did something wrong, but I read a lot of fellow players experience the same problems. At the moment I'm trying to make a file I break up Spain in (Spain, Basque Country, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands ( Ceuta&Melilla, Menorca)) and later try an expanded Great Britain file... But at the moment it's useless because even the single saves aren't complete while do not particiapte in the Nations League and EC qualifiers... I don't even dare to update my current countries If anyone knows an easy and safe solution, or has an good working expanded Europe Pack ( around 60 70 or 80 countries instead 54 ) please let me know
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