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Everything posted by hotredabyss

  1. Thanks for the example, and answering your first question, i'm currently using a 433 but will maybe rotate for a 442 later. I did first think about using a 4231, which is why i mentioned exactly 2 dms I wanted one of the WBs to act as a Wingback really, as all of the ones i have possess Winger-esque traits, also on his side i'm using a AF/IW type of role with "Sit narrower", so the idea is him giving width and being a pass option to run on his side Yes, i know that, i mentioned the old SV/RPM bc they used to progress with the ball starting on the dm spot before PP, which is what i want one of my midfielders to do (help in possession, dribbling and doing progressive passes while the other is a more "safe" dm). I'm not using a DLP(s) which is kinda what i want bc my most attacking midfielder is a AP already Something like this is what i'm trying to achieve, i guess
  2. I'm struggling with it, and as much as i understand the positional play changes, i can't really find how to build up with 3 + 2. My idea is having those 3 at cb position linking up with both dm's and one of them being a more "natural" dm with the Wingback at his side acting almost like a winger ( so kinda a WB(A) or CWB ) and the other dm progressing with the ball dribbling and passing ( old SV/RMP basically ). How to achieve that?
  3. I want to do a new save, preferably with a team on the second or third tier of any top 5 league with decent youth setups. Any suggestion? Would be a plus if it's a team who is used to play with 3 at back systems irl
  4. Yes, i did, but i want the winger to stay wide without the ball and once he receives it he gets inside As for the CWB(S), it was my first pick but as i said, i dont want him to be too adventurous, i kinda just want him to be some kind of carrilero without bombing forward
  5. As i go into my second season in (another) la liga save, i got in my hands 2 good fbs with good passing, techinique and vision and plan on using then as some type of creative force helping in the build up and guarding the flanks. The thing is...i don't know how to setup it... I play on a 4-3-3 and use the IW(S) to hold the width (pi Stay Wide) So, in short, what i want is: my right FB to help more within the build up without cutting deep inside into the midfield, having the CM(S), and both CM(A) and IW(S) wide as passing options, and not being as adventurous as the WB(S/A) A quick note, one of the fbs have "Dictates tempo" as trait and im planning to making him learn killer balls or switch ball to other flank Is even possible to achieve that in fm23? If not, what can i do to maybe getting something similar? Im really only used to playing with overlapping wbs or iwb who don't actually work bc they're mediocre, so my experience with wbs as a whole is pretty low
  6. As Johnny said, it's City so pretty much anything will work, but i found using wide players such as Grealish and Foden as W(A) with "Roam from position" using their inverted foot ( i.e a player whose best foot is the left playing on the right flank ) sooooo good, i would use it there
  7. How the Gets Further Forward PI affects you midfield trio on you guys opinion? I like having one of my midfielders doing runs and being basically a AM(A) but im seeing ticking that player instruction on makes them go too early so the midfield trio get messed up...i wanted for him to being close to the other 2 in build up and then as soon as the ball is moved he goes close to the box to deliver a pass or shoot. The AP(A) sadly is playing kinda like an enganche ( he's actually doing great passes every game but it's really not what i want... ). I thought about using a Mezzala(S) in the other side and a IWGB(S) as i also have a Winger(A) on that same flank, but then i lose a safe pass option, the flank gets too exposed and the solid and stable mid trio is also gone ( I also don't have any good players to be used as the inverted wing-back lol ) Im pretty much using the same base @Johnny Acegave me some weeks ago but with a IF(S), a PF(A) or CF(A), and sometimes a Half Back in the DM ( It's the french third division but it actually works! Kinda, tbh, most of my dms are more of DLP-esque than a BWM/DM type ) obs: I want to use my Winger on Attack as much as possible and give him the "Roam from position" as my best academy players are Wingers with good flair and technique, and i believe that is the same reason they're being so crucial for my team perfomance, so if preferrable any suggestion maintaning the attacking mentality is a bonus )
  8. @Johnny Ace I wonder, what you think about the Segundo Volante? Seems like in fm 23 DM and SV are the best pair on those plug and play tactics, but as someone who absolutely loves Box-to-box type of roles, i always try to see if it's possible to fit it on a 4231 ( which btw is probably my least favorite shape and that is just bc i love a solid midfield trio as in the 433 and 532 ) Currently got into a save with Levante and will rebuild it to play them in a 4231 or 433, but it always looks like my midfield duo is simply not enough, even with a FB or both being in roles such as DLP or Anchor. Will use this image to illustrate a concept that i would like to use as i have my eyes on players who can fit well on these roles, and someone with more experience using Inverted Wing-Backs correct me if im wrong, but can a IWGB work as the pivot when the SV goes forward? Anyway, what would you change and why? Which TI's you think i would need to employ in games where im the better side? And maybe getting a bit ahead of myself, how would you setup a low block counter attack against La Liga sides better than you? As always, great thread too, it's great to read such topics and get many opinions on fm, perhaps my favorite thing in this community
  9. I can see the DLP(S) working, yeah, and it's definitely right on that. I used PI to make all the others more ofensive while using the 3 Cb + the DLP to be the wall on defense, but my dlp is good anyway to be on S Also, why unmark the "counter press"? Wouldn't PI balance it out? I understand that having my trio midfield getting dragged out of place and the wingbacks pressing too much being like candy for teams with wingers, but as a superior side, shouldn't i try to minizime their space and time with ball and quickly recover it?
  10. I'm not familiar with the 5-3-2/3-5-2 and currently trying to implement a more possession focused tactic when i'm the superior side since not many teams on the second division of Portugal are going to press me... This is what i came up just as a sketch and so far had an ok start into the pre season, but i don't think i can judge based on friendlies. TI: In Posession: Shorter passes, Play out of defence, low crosses, higher tempo In transition: Take short kicks, Distribute to centre-backs, counter press Out of possession: Higher defensive line, higher line of engagement, pressing more often, prevent short gk distribution Which things could/should i change, if any?
  11. This is sexy, been only the 2 first games but against stronger sides than me ( it's the second division of La Liga tbh ) a draw and a win away against the 1° on the table, but im seeing a pretty fun football. Im looking forward to use it till the end of the season and may adapt somethings, and while that may gets far from the point of the topic, it did gave me a good base
  12. The AP also have some good finishing and he did score a couple of goalies appearing on the box, on this save i've been using both him and the CM(S) (and yes, hes a pretty decent B2B player with great technique, i actually think hes my third best player lmao) with gets further forward, i know it's a pretty different approach but as Jorge Sampaoli is the current manager of my irl club and he already said he always wants to attack with 6 players, i liked the idea and tried to fit that concept on this 4-3-3 ( in fact, at some point i tried to cook with the IWGB to act like the second B2B ) and using those 6 players to stretch opposition and attack the box, even tho we shaped differently than a 3-1-6, i dont know if that is possible on a 433, so that is also a reasoning for ticking those 😁 Again, great thread, really opened my eyes as i always used to only play the 4-3-3 on a generic gegenpress with IF, im gonna try other 2 variants for different scenarios in this same save and test it out if we get promoted
  13. That's a pretty good start, will work off this, thank you. My left WB is more of a defensive player, which is why i've using him as FB(S) and the B2B with "Gets futher forward" on, but i will try this. One more thing tho, which PI's would you use for the AP and IW? Both on gets further forward or just the AP? You think asking the IW to "Sit Narrower" could be better than not marking any? I was training both of them to make 1-2's, so maybe this isn't a bad idea?
  14. It's more of a concept tbh, not putting this on pratice, but i simply don't know which roles could fit in. I really want to get the best out of those two (Winger with great flair and dribbling on left staying wider and the central midfielder with good passing/technique/flair/vision) as they're my 2 best players and i think a system gettin the best out of both would be cool to play with. (Tbh i have a 35 years old Lucas Pérez with good passing, technique and first touch for second division of la liga being my starter on the Right wing, but he doesn't really have the pace and agility to keep up with the play, which is why im asking a role besides AP 💀) About the DM, i do have two decent DM's with good work rate, team work and bravery, so maybe an Anchorman would fit the idea of a player protecting the backline and being a safe passing option when my CM's are being pressured? I really don't know how to get a tactic off these, i usually like to have 3 technical midfielders with 1 of them being that Kanté-esque player, but i don't have the budget for that so i have to use more of a "DM(D)-B2B-playmaker/runner" trio bc its what i have rn 🤔
  15. @Johnny Ace i've read most of your topic and it's great, it gave me some good ideas, as a big 4-3-3 fan its amazing seeing many different concepts being applied to it, but i don't think i've seen what i wanted to understand. My concern rn is more about 1) taking the best out of a Winger as a "disruptive" player, someone wide with the freedom to dribble more, bomb the area and scoring, and 2) using a midfielder who gets on the area to score, making runs but also being the playmaker of the team, pretty much a De Bruyne replica. I tried the Mezzala(A) but i dont want him to drift wider, just to stay on the center of the pitch with many passing options. As i've said on another topic, i also wanted to know, if i want the winger on the opposite side of the winger to be more of a creator/runner than a scorer without being too wide, which role and PI you think fits that idea? I don't want him to be way too wide, but also not too much on the center of the pitch ( is that even possible to achieve on current FM? ). I'm not at home rn so i can't give any screenshot to use as basis, so im using a third rate apo just to illustrate and make easier to understand what i want 😁
  16. I'm managing La Coruna and on my second season, still at the start, i'm finding myself at a odd position. I always try to use something different at each save so i don't go back to the good ol' 4231/433 gegenpress, but sometimes playing a back 3 with 4 midfielders doesn't work as you want, so, for this save i decided to just suit tactics for the best players And, coincidentally, it appears La Coruna have some decent players to be wingers so i'm going to go with the good ol' 433 again, but the style of play is just not making me happy, you know? I don't want a fancy Pepcelona, just a system able to maximize a Winger and feed an AF with low composure and a midfield trio also using a CM(A). Could someone help me with which team instructions and roles to use? I don't mind ticking "Counter-press" and "Counter attack", but i've been struggling with making a 433 using Winger(A) and CM(A) while playing a good football. While on that topic, i also wanted to know, if i want to make a winger on the opposite side of the Winger to be more of a creator, which role should i use? Im finding the IW/IF roles odd on that bc i want him to sit on that space between the BBM and WB(S) on his side, pretty much the space where the Mezzala goes to, but on and off ball, and more important: to NOT go wider. The Advanced Playmaker is close to it but he's pretty much a third central midfielder than someonse sitting on the spaces ( i may have worded that weird, but i think u guys get the idea )
  17. I haven't read all the parts, but just by the first posts it's such a great insight on your proccess thought, and definitely will use some of those ideas as a basis once i read everything Anyway, maybe a innocent question, but how did the Segundo Volante performed being on the same side as the AP? I actually always avoided that bc i saw someone saying that the AP would get in the way of the SV when he makes runs, i never used this combination so i can't really say that is true or not
  18. Great read, gave me a direction on my Almeria save where even tho we're overachiving, we have problems playing against the other 6 teams in top 7 If u had to make some tweaks to be more "aggressive" or scoring more in matches we're the better side, or home games, what could be done? Maybe a SS instead of the AM(S), and a WB(A) in the opposite side? A bigger problem i was having was being more dominant against weaker, defensive teams who constantly score on us in counter attacks, we dropped many points bc of this. Anyway again, great article
  19. So, i've looked for many topics, video, other ppl tactics, etc, and there's always different opinions on which mentality to use when playing counter attacking football. I want to do some changes to my main tactic (which im not going post a screenshot bc im not at home rn and i don't think matters that much, but if needed i can send when i get home) but i can't see which one, or what TI's i should employ. Pretty much, what i want to do on difficult, underdog away maythes is: A low-block, that allows the opposition to get on our half of the pitch, but when they do, we press them and hit fast and effective counters Use 2 Wing-backs giving width and attacking when needed, as all of them have good pace and mentals ( as i'm also playing 3 at back, giving them even more freedom to attack than the main tactic allows is welcome ) A 3 man midfield, with one DM, a B2B and a third one being some kinda of Mezzala/CM(A) making runs A attacking midfielder ( Isco to be more precise, which is relevant bc he does not have good workrate to help pressing on the front ) giving passes to a pacy, fast striker So, how would u guys setup it? As i said, the first tactic works well ( it's a downloaded tactic anyway, who got me interested on seeing how the trequartista works on FM 23 ) but on away games struggles, so i want to do some changes while maintaning the 3-5-1-1 ( or 5-3-1-1, w/e ) and im not sure what to do. I lost 3 aways games against stronger teams where i know i could probably get at least some draws or perform better, but dont know how to implement said counter-attacking style
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