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76 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. I didn't know that, I use nik33 version of awards which I'm guessing also helps increase the reputation of youth players adds like 160 new awards
  2. No I don't use that file either, I think it's the staff attribute adjustment and youth rating game importance file which does it
  3. I use Davecid mod without injury file and the AI still develops talents. Warren Emery had like 39 starts for PSG at 18
  4. Is it me or is there reduced amount of injuries since the update? I hardly get injuries and when I do they just little 1-3 day niggles, not seen a serious long term injury for 2 seasons now, most serious 5-6 weeks
  5. Yeah I've noticed this as well but noticed this after the winter update and definitely agree this is the best FM ever, the type of goals and variety is insane, been playing fm since the beginning of championship manager. I've seen Players flick the ball off their chest to bring it down to play it off as a pass, first time looping volleys, Tony Yeboah type cross bar rocket goals, it's amazing
  6. So you can't leave more than 2 players back, I would hardly say it ruins it everything else. How about what the new set piece creator allows you to do? There's more variance which shakes up the gameplay and the execution plays out on the pitch to how you created it. this year the set pieces are pretty simple but also detailed. you can have multiple routines. i just have 2 best guys attack near post with another guy sitting back post. then 3 guys on the edge to win the clearance and prevent counter attacks. have the corner taker do a near post inswinger Of course there are limitations, it's a game it's not going to give the option of every single variance that you can do in real life As for the game being too easy, if you are using the top tactics from FMarena which are designed to exploit the engine and be game breaking of course you are going to overachieve. According to the image you did get outplayed by Manchester United but you beat them by being more clinical. But like I said if you know how to exploit the match engine which is a possibility in any engine, then don't be shocked when it becomes too easy for you
  7. Half of what you highlighted is personal gripes, it's not a widespread issues *game has in general regressed, and much less of a challenge, which goes against a realistic football management sim SI are supposedly aiming to create' this is your personal opinion, you can probably find a host of users who find the game too difficult to get to grips and complain about scripting, cheating *set pieces implemented poorly, both with how it functions, realism and ability to micromanage certain strategies This again is a personal gripe, I find the new set piece to be great and much more options than there was before *positional play ruined balance of the game, particularly affecting online gaming, ultimately being a poor implementation overall You'll need to expand on this, way to broad a statement to make, personally I've seen some great positional play leading to great passages of play *player interactions not functioning to an acceptable level I agree this is a widespread problem, but nothing ground breaking more frustrating *bugs highlighted early this year and previous years never fixed, thus seemed to have been ignored completely I think it's widely acknowledged that some of things can't be fixed on this engine which is what we're hoping will be addressed in fm25 with the Unity engine *communication with player base extremely poor I don't agree they've given us road maps I think only the winter update didn't have the roadmap outlining what was to be expected. I think the game plays at a more than reasonable standard, I mean if you only focus on the negative of course you can make out it's substandard. No one mentions all the things the game does right and of course it skews peoples perception on how good the game really is
  8. I'm happy with the M.E i think some issues with player interaction need fine tuning, but I've not seen anything game breaking in the game to require a major fix which is what some people are acting like was missed. I certainly wouldn't call it a dreadful experience, I mean I was hoping for the winter update for them change the M.E but I fully understand why they didn't with the risk of throwing something else off in the game and then we complain that they ruined the M.E I don't think SI can win here, like seriously what did you expect them to change to make it not a ''dreadful experience''?
  9. I don't get why people are raging and acting suprised at the Final Update, I mean what were people expecting after reading the roadmap which outlined exactly what changes was going to be in the Final Update?
  10. Maybe the 5 million is above his minimum release clause, they will block it if that happens
  11. that's all fine, but it's still misleading for people reporting with the belief there will be taken into account for a future patch for fm24. I give the benefit of the doubt that Maybe SI were still open to changing something in the M.E if something fundamentally was game breaking but still believe they could have communicated and given people the heads up about non changes a lot earlier and or closed the bugs forum
  12. ''there will be no further changes to the Match Engine in this final update. With every release of Football Manager, our Match team strive to elevate the matchday experience and step closer to creating the perfect simulation of real-world football. With FM24, we're proud of the progress we've made towards that goal with the best match experience in the series to date''
  13. The one thing I don't get is if they knew they weren't touching the M.E because they were satisfied with it then why did they leave the bug tracker open and let people wast their time reporting bugs?
  14. Appreciate the heads up about the upcoming patch. I'm ok with them not touching the M.E even though I think goalkeepers could be tightened up and late goals could be less, but you can look at the chelsea united game to see that late comebacks do happen, it's still great and it's probably safer not to touch it in case it screws something else up. Happy with the M.E but player interaction should definitely be looked into a lot better
  15. Honestly sick of the non logic of selling players. Players with no game time, unhappy and recieving good reasonable bids from high level teams and the players for some reason rejecting good contracts when it's clear they have no future at the club and not getting no game time. Sort it out ffs
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