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Everything posted by Sned

  1. It happens multiple times every game. Really baffling decision for the VAR to get involved, they should have just left it alone. Going to be interesting to see what happens if anything similar happens in the remainder of this game in a penalty area.
  2. Can you ever fully make things that black and white though? I think it's almost impossible, so many decisions in football that involve contact between players is SO subjective. Partly why I'd always prefer the referee on the pitch to make the decision rather than VAR getting involved.
  3. Thing is, that 'bit of licence' HAS always existed in football. Softer infringements that are pulled up in every other part of the field have always generally been ignored when they happen in the box. Another knock on from the continued muddled usage of VAR is that technically that penalty award is probably right by the laws - but feels wrong because in years gone by it would never get given.
  4. I would much prefer VAR didn't get involved in that decision, but I'm not that baffled that looking at the replay it was given - Dumfries has gone in studs up, and I think his momentum is still taking his foot towards Kane after the shot. Can see why it's a foul. I think if Dumfries had got there first and cleared the ball and Kane had kicked him in the same manner, not one person would disagree with the referee giving the defender a free kick. If it happens anywhere else on the pitch, it's a foul. My main issue is that VAR shouldn't have got involved. It wasn't clear and obvious imo.
  5. He hit a really nice run of league form in the second half of the season that seemed to have convinced a few that he would be a good signing - but judging from this tournament I'm not convinced he'd be ready. Have to praise him for seeming to know himself staying at this current club was the right move.
  6. Always enjoy pundits and presenters trying to deal with these unexpected gaps with pure FILLER content.
  7. Probably was a foul, wasn't it? All Kimmich is trying to do is block the defender.
  8. Not only are Italy a terrible team, but you can tell that the majority of their players know they are terrible team. Seem to be lacking anything that might be able to drag them back into this. Belief has totally evaporated.
  9. Unbelievable kick off routine from Italy Send half your team sprinting at the opposition back line and then pass it straight to a Swiss midfielder
  10. I'm even angrier this morning Just so gutless. I think McGregor and Gilmour can work together, the problem was they had so little ahead of them. So often they received the ball and could only go backwards, or they did manage to find a forward pass into McTominay and McGinn, but they were then left with zero forward options and the play broke down unless they managed to dribble past a few opponents by themselves. Every opponent had us easily figured out from the first whistle. We barely mustered a real chance in three games because Clarke's only real intent was to see us have pointless possession in the back third, be difficult to break down, and try and generate one scoring opportunity a game. We had the players to do better than we've showed in the three games. That said, I hope McGregor retires from the national team now to extend his club career, which would also free up that spot for Gilmour to cement his position for the years to come.
  11. Also, I know we don't have the strongest squad, we've lost a few important players, and we don't have a massive pool of talent, but I'm already sick of pundits making out we are a total team of plodders that valiantly gave it their all. We have a number of players playing at a decent level, for decent teams, and we should have had enough to at least create some chances in this tournament. Gutless, negative tactics have cost us massively.
  12. Not willing to indulge in any 'good effort lads' **** talk. Massive disappointment, mainly from Clarke. I'm annoyed Persisted with a system that gave us no forward momentum, didn't allow us to create any chances, restricted all of our best players. Only tactic was to 'hang in there' and try and get a break from a set piece - before some desperate moves in the last few minutes of the final game. Pathetic, really.
  13. Na. I think he misjudged the position of the ball, and his body position was awkward, and he did what every player does when that happens and tries to get his body between the ball and opponent. Happened really quickly and he isn't a striker, but honestly as a midfielder if that happens in the middle of the park you get a free-kick for it. (so maybe he was looking for it )
  14. Don't think Armstrong was 'looking' for the penalty - he just wasn't set in his body position, and was trying to right himself and protect the ball. Not convinced it was a pen, but don't think he would have strolled through and finished the chance either.
  15. We had some decent performances using this system in qualifying - but I don't think it's worked for us at all in this tournament so far. Not saying we need to go gung-ho (yet), but I'd be moving to a back four if it was my decision.
  16. That was my thinking. I thought that since it could be considered subjective whether the attacker was actually interfering, it would have been far better to send Taylor over to the monitor to make his own decision rather than delaying for the VAR team to make the decision. In all honesty I thought that was already the process in situations like this, but I'm not even sure how the process works anymore
  17. I still don't understand why they didn't send Taylor to review it at the monitor?
  18. Doesn't that fall into the realms of a subjective offside decision - regardless of what the on-field decision was? Feel like they should have sent the referee to the screen after about 10 seconds and let him make a judgement on it. Just embarrassing taking minutes to decide in an office somewhere.
  19. I don't think McGregor has reached the level of 'good', in fairness to Jorg. He's also had a tough season where he hasn't been particularly great, and seemed to have a season ending injury a couple of months ago that he did really well to come back from and see out the domestic campaign. Whether it's due to the season just gone, or a sign of his level in general, I don't think he looks anywhere near as sharp as he did a few seasons ago. He's never been the quickest player, but more and more now when I watch him I worry that he's more easily bypassed and beaten in duels than before. He still covers a lot of ground, and is at his best and comfortable when plenty of passes are going through him, but he's another player I worry has been overplayed in his career so far and runs the risk of breaking down before his time. Hopefully less noticeable (at least domestically) in the holding midfield role, but I also think he'd look better for Scotland if the midfield was a narrower 3 with Gilmour and McGinn beside him with plenty of energy.
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