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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    The Netherlands
  1. Any updates on the issue? I would love to play the game again.
  2. I have uploaded the file to the SI Cloud under the name . The squad in the save is the default squad, so not my modified version. As you can see there are already two German low rated players in there which is weird, Gallus & Kleitsch. You can try to remove and add some players to the squad, submit it, and then simulate to the match day. It should switch back to this exact squad for some reason. Thanks for investigating!
  3. I am currently managing The Netherlands. I know how to add/remove players from the national team squad. I successfully submit my correct squad with the best players needed for my system. However, every time I get to the match day, it automatically switches back to the default squad, which includes bad players and players I don’t require for my system.
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