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213 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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  1. Haha would send the community into meltdown. Delays, removal of features etc for no improvement? Not a chance in my opinion.
  2. It’s a sad state of affairs. Can’t imagine there is much optimism at SI headquarters atm.
  3. Still no news today… Another delay to the delayed announcement almost a certainty then. That journalist knows his stuff after all.
  4. Unreal copium on display here. Think they’ve been pretty clear that the reason there isn’t any news is because the game literally isn’t ready and is behind schedule.
  5. Same. Dull, flat, bland, lifeless. Contains no character. The removal of team colours a few years ago has been terrible, and it doesn’t look like it’s about to get any better
  6. No pre game editor is also a make or break for me. I don’t think they would do that to us though…
  7. To be fair, we don’t even know what it’ll look like yet. But anything less than a major upgrade on the graphics would send this forum into bedlam. Poor graphics + removing multiple features/actions will not end well…
  8. I agree. Even from the screenshots they released for the development update in June, the UI and match day screens have no personality. No club colours. A tiny Premier League logo in the corner. Even this screenshot from 2013 has more life to the game than what they showed us in that update….and it’s been over 10 years since.
  9. Yep. I would never buy the game if mods/editing were not available.
  10. I’ve seen a few comments about the editor being removed, and I know it’s just forum speculation, but surely that will never happen? SI, please confirm!? and lastly on the International manager debate - once things are removed from the game there is a chance we never see them come back. I know they have said they want to bring it back in 2026, but once you start using % figures to justifying removing things, then it comes across more sinister than what they have outlined.
  11. Fair enough. I’m just sad because it feels like it’s another moment where a part of the game that holds realism is being stripped away and it hurts me. I want the game to be as realistic as possible. It always has been up until recently. I want the game to hold as much information on players as possible - It’s what the game has always been about. But it’s being taken away bit by bit to match up with mobile gaming and it’s genuinely sad.
  12. And would Stoke sign a midfielder up that weighed 100kg? Of course they wouldn’t. Because these things are important and they are relevant. Which is why a simulation game should allow human managers the same information.
  13. You’re just posting for the sake of posting at this point…
  14. A researcher downplaying the importance of weight? Weight is such an important aspect in the real world…which is what the game tries to replicate. Yeah, it’s not looking good.
  15. Damn. Didn’t know. Such a key figure leaving in such a important stage of the development cycle for the new game must of been a bitter pill…
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