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  1. Hey @Zachary Whyte could you confirm me that this bug has been fixed? Because I'm playing again, thanks to the post of the future of FM, you have left me very hype, and now when i'm selling I'm getting the clause correctly. Could you confirm me that I am not crazy and if there has been a bug fix for this situation? Greetings and thanks for the dedication to the game.
  2. Uploaded: 165MB 13:11 SPAIN TIME ZONE Inicio.fm Can I help by pointing out that this is a bug I see in the previous 3 sequels, it has never been reported?
  3. Hello, the post is in Spanish as I am from Argentina, but the bug is very simple. I am surprised that no one has noticed and reported, or at least I understand that it is a big bug. I almost always make sales with the next sale clause, negotiating between 20% and 50%, when playing with small teams, I think it is an excellent way to generate future income. In this case, I received a notification with the sale of the player Thierno Baldรฉ for 2,6Mโ‚ฌ. He is transferred from Clermont to Celta de Vigo for 2,5Mโ‚ฌ and 3Mโ‚ฌ with incentives. When I see this notification, I receive 0.50% of the transfer, I do not receive 20%. This is an error that I have seen in many transfers and it does not give me any future money. Could you explain this situation to me?
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