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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. When Doing tactic changes we get a pause, it's about time that shouldn't happen if possible should be done on the fly, Also ability to cancel a shout cos sometimes you do one they score and then players get pissed or confused. In/Out of Possession shapes Simple Example in this current era look at City. set up as 433 but then going forward they are 3 at back sometimes 2 after ones pushed into DM ,FBacks inside ,midfields push into second striker or pulls wide as widemen go in etc . You get my point and then in possession high pitch they push up, but when opponents transition in there half instead two being high ones drops. or if lesser team maybe you get everyone behind ball when opponent reaches half way line. if that makes sense. each part of the pitch in and out possession has different look its the way game is these days, just like setting press traps on certain players in a certain area etc. Roles say they do certain bit's but its nice to have visuals on what shape will look like if it actually works in game and it's not match plans either that needs some work on it too but thats a separate thing of its own anyways cheers hope it comes into effect soon and thanks and keep up good work
  2. Fault something was wrong as all sudden im getting whoopped clearly Off
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