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Posts posted by Aimless-Sailor

  1. Em 30/04/2023 em 07:05, Cloud9 disse:

    Download is fine :thup:

    A good starting point is separate schedules for  pre season vs main season. Have monthly set ups instead of weekly so the players are getting more varied training than just one schedule. 


    Yes but after pre season most of the schedule creators just have one type of schedule for download

    How can I get varied training?

    Using the same schedule every week is not good?


  2. Em 30/04/2023 em 07:05, Cloud9 disse:

    Download is fine :thup:

    A good starting point is separate schedules for  pre season vs main season. Have monthly set ups instead of weekly so the players are getting more varied training than just one schedule. 


    So having diferent schedules is important!

    The problem is that most schedule creators just have one type of schedule for download.

    What should I do?

  3. 4 horas atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    These are simple questions so I can answer them for you.

    1. It will always be more effective to do your training regimes yourself, downloaded will also be better than assistant manager 2. Min Maxing is playing the game like it's your job lol, and trying to optimize everything 3. Different training schedules will prioritize different attributes, his will prioritize attributes he's looking for 4. Just go with it.


    The game intentionally hides stuff which is part of what makes it fun. Figure out how you want to play and go from there. 

    Thank you very much!

    So if I download a good made costume schedule and repeat it over and over every week is not a problem? Still better than the Ass Man?

    Or should I make some chenges every week? (But in that case I am afraid I could mess up the schedule).


  4. Em 28/04/2023 em 04:03, Rashidi disse:

    Youth teams I push them all the way. There are also weeks they don’t even play any football .

    I haven’t had issues yet. And if you look at the senior teams you will see that they normally just do a lot of match prep. Since they only do one match prep.

    There is an indicator for every schedule that tells you the risk to injury and you will find that they are not high.

    It sounds like you have plenty of doubts. 

    My advice is to go out there and see what you are comfortable with. Ultimately you can leave it to the assistant manager. If you aren’t the sort who is comfortable min maxing the game, don’t try.

    For min maxers the match practice session is invaluable.

    I'm really sorry to bother.

    I understand if you don't have the time to answer the 4 questions from my last message.

    Can you just tell me if you are planning to answer or not?

    I totally understand the answer is no... I just want this to know because I am holding myself from playing the game waiting for your instructions... So if you just say "no" I will just no wait any longer.

    Thank you very much!

  5. 10 horas atrás, Rashidi disse:

    Youth teams I push them all the way. There are also weeks they don’t even play any football .

    I haven’t had issues yet. And if you look at the senior teams you will see that they normally just do a lot of match prep. Since they only do one match prep.

    There is an indicator for every schedule that tells you the risk to injury and you will find that they are not high.

    It sounds like you have plenty of doubts. 

    My advice is to go out there and see what you are comfortable with. Ultimately you can leave it to the assistant manager. If you aren’t the sort who is comfortable min maxing the game, don’t try.

    For min maxers the match practice session is invaluable.

    Ah! I understand now!!! So this is only for the U18!!! Thank you very much for the explanation!


    If you could answer me this small questions I think all my doubts will be clear, I would be very veeeery thankful and could finaly start the game!!!


    1 - On the other thread you wrote to me that "optimum gameplay - you manage all aspects of training" - In this you mean that if I do the schedules myself the results will be better than letting the Ass Man doing it?  What about if I download and use your or any other pre made costume schedule? Will be better than Ass Man?


    2- What is min maxing the game? Could I achieve that with a costume schedule that I download from you or orther experinced user?


    3 - The fact that the costume schedules to download were made for your team and maybe they are not fitted for my team is not a possible problem? What about the repeating the same schedules over and over every week? Is not an issue?


    4 - You think tactical familiarity is important for the U18? I ask this because for players under 18 years old the training is more important than winning matches so I was thinking to dont waste slots at all with match previews and reviews and use this slots for more attribute training sessions.


    Thank you so much and sorry to bother.





    2 horas atrás, Rashidi disse:

    Mine are in the same week as a match and not immediately before. On the day before I do match prep like attacking movement not practice.

    I am completly confused now!!!

    I can see that you put match practice the day before the matches both on the costume schedules that you share on your page and also on the video that you upload 4 months ago!

    Yet here you write that you dont do that...

    Maybe you put it there by mistake then? 

    Please see the images attached.

    Thank you!






    8 horas atrás, Rashidi disse:

    Just add recovery session and yes try not to have them before a game unless you are intentionally looking for a challenge


    So the schedules you have for us to download are made intentionally looking for a challenge? Because you use match practices before the matches. Should we keep them every week or use them just for pre-season?


    8 horas atrás, Rashidi disse:

    That is 100% correct, in preseason I push my team to the hilt. There is a modifier in the game that affects how soon your players get jaded, it’s determined by how demanding your preseason is. On my livestream those who watched saw the effects. In one season I left it on default played 8 games, a few of my players started getting jaded by January.  I explained why and our performances suffered too. The next season I did bootcamp for 3 weeks and had 7 friendlies. Only one player was jaded, and that was in the last game of the season. 


    Do you recommend doing bootcamps? What are their effect? The training slots we lose with the travels are not an issue?


    Thank you very much once again!!!

    PS: I answer you on the other thread as well.


  8. 8 horas atrás, Rashidi disse:

    Match review helps with tactical familiarity, not really necessary when you side knows the system and they start going on streaks. Halfway through seasons I rarely bother since these are low benefit sessions once tactical familiarity is reached.  That though is my personal style as I adore patches of bad form, just so it livens up the game.

    And by the way if you had been watching another stream we finished 3rd in the league by playing a different tactic made by the community in every game. So yeah the whole tactical familiarity element is something I have never bothered with. Team cohesion, that’s a different matter. It’s easily handled by consistent lineups and team bonding.

    Match practice + Recovery sessions reduce injury risk-plus I actually stream EVERY game I play and you will rarely see any major injury happen because of that. In fact my youth team has 2 days of match practice back to back with recovery sessions. 

    Thank you so much for your answer with valuable information!

    I got 3 points that I would love if you could clarify:



    When you wrote "optimum gameplay - you manage all aspects of training" you mean that if I do the schedules myself the results will be better than letting the Ass Man doing it? 

    What about if I download and use your or any other pre made costume schedule? That will be better than letting the Ass Man doing? The fact that the schedules were made for your team and maybe they are not fitted for my team is not a possible problem? What about the repeating the same schedules over and over every week? Is not an issue?

    (I hope those are not issues I am just worried about those because there was a user on reddit who supports only the Ass Man approach and said to me that those are issues).


    2 º

    About Match practices. I understand now, thanks!! Thats new info for me!! I think the general idea that most users have is that they are very good sessions but we should avoid doing them the day before the match. So you think is important to do the match practice+recovery the day before the match?


    3 º

    You think tactical familiarity is important for the U18? I ask this because for players under 18 years old the training is more important than winning matches so I was thinking to dont waste slots at all with match previews and reviews and use this slots for more attribute training sessions.

    What do you think?



    Thank you very much for all the information!

    I am stuck on the day 1 of the game because I can´t decide how to go about the training xD


  9. 1 hora atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Only other possible thing I could think of, if you're running a lot of Rest in your schedule-- Match Practice will up their Match Fitness. If you think it's OP, running two and giving rest to other sessions might be more effective training wise. I believe Match Practice was stronger on previous FMs so that might factor in as well.

    On U18 training: did a little looking. You mentioned Rashidi so here's one of his videos for FM23.  

    This guy: Evidence Based Football Manager, is a great data driven source imo. 


    Thank you very much! Yes was from this video I saw the match practise training the day before the matches :)

  10. 7 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Hm, strange. The only thing I can think of still is that they're trying to push pre-season to be extra tiring for the players. I believe there's a modifier that a hard pre-season helps the team maintain fitness throughout the season.

    You could experiment with it for pre-season yourself but I'd definitely avoid it once the real games start. 

    They share schedules with match practise before the match for the whole season...

    don't know....

    Anyway, do you know any creator os schedules that train the U18 that way (without the previews and reviews)? The only one I founf is Zealand but his schedules are made for FM22 and are extremely intense. all the other youtubers do match previwes and reviews with the U18...


  11. 2 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Just to follow up quickly on this. If someone is actually good at the game and doing this it means one of two things:

    1. Either they meant to put Match Preview and misclicked (similar blue look, similar name) and haven't realized.

    2. They're intentionally exploiting a bug they've found, in which case you can report it here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/

    RDF tactics and bustthenet gaming are doing and sharing the match practise the day before the match!! Very confusing!
  12. 11 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Yea don't put them the day before a match. Put "Match Preview" and squeeze In some of the performance modifiers as well in the day running up to the game (attacking movement, defensive, and teamwork). 

    Only possible reasoning would be if you're in preseason and trying to jam in a ton of intensive training. Otherwise Match Preview is your friend. You'll want Match Review the day after the game as well. 


    There's no benefit to having your players be tired/get injured on match day. Stick them Monday/Wednesday if you've got a game Saturday and get a recovery session in after them. I have been leaning to use just one (of two) of these a week in my schedules, they're really intensive on the squad and will up your injury risk a ton. 

    Thank you very much!

    Since you talk about match previews and reviews I would like to ask your opinion of those traning sessions are worth for the U18 squad?

    I ask this because It's a fact that for players under 18 years old the training is more important than winning matches and match previews or reviews are training sessions more focused on the tactics to win matches and not so much for attribute development. So what about using those slots for more attributes training on the U18?

    This is a hard one - from all the costume schedules I saw online, only Zealand makes U18 schedules without game previews and reviews. All the other users still do those training sessions.


  13. Hey guys!


    On my staff responsibilities I personalized the outgoing development loans options with a minimum level of training facilities and playing time.

    But then when I offer the player to clubs I get offers with levels below the one I stipulated and with less playing time…

    So how does this work? Is this only if I give the responsibility to staff?

    I made the offer to clubs myself…



  14. 3 horas atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    They give a lot of squad cohesion, tactical familiarity and squad happiness. 

    It will increase injury risk.

    Yes use them, they're fantastic, but not the day before a match. 

    Thank you very much for the answer!

    I know they are fantastic sessions I just wanted to understand the reason that make some high experienced players do use it the day right before the match!

  15. 3 horas atrás, herne79 disse:

    As said above, the AM is perfectly capable of setting up a decent General Training schedule, just don't let him handle Individual Training - always do that part yourself.  In terms of downloading schedules, you need look no further than Rashidi's.

    I was looking at rashidi's schedules, do you know why he often puts match practice session the day before the match? That will not increase the risk of injuries a lot?

    Also some matches he do match previews and other he dont. And no match reviews at all.

    Thank you!

  16. Thank you for the answer! 

    I dont want to do the schedules myself, I am on a dilemma beetwin let the Ass Man do it or download a plug and go from another player with more experience than me.

    I see that Rashidi also have some costume schedules for download!!

    So you dont think that using the same schedule over and over every week is an issue?

    Also what you think about the particular question I ask about the U18 schedules?


  17. Hello guys!


    I am very confused about what is the best way to go about training schedules because I've read opposite opinions! I was with the idea to download a costume schedule made by some experienced player but then someone told me the opposite and I got confused. 

    An experienced user said to me on reddit that if I have a good Assistant Manager I should give him the responsibility of programming the schedules.

    He told me that the costume made schedules to plug and go are one size fits all and often give more problems than benefits. He also said the team should not repeat the same schedules over and over again every week.

    The Ass Man works directly with the players and chooses a different schedule for every week to better fit the squad necessities.

    For costume made schedules - the only person that actually tests and compares the results of his schedules is Max from EBFM - but this reddit user said to me that even if Max schedules are great to improve CA - are not so complete to create a good player all around that may be excellent for his role… So the Ass Man is still a better solution!


    So do you guys support Ass Man or costume schedules and why?


    I also would like to read opinions about U18 training schedules.

    It's a fact that for players under 18 years old the training is more important than winning matches but if we give the responsibility of the schedules to the Ass Man he will not take this information in consideration and still focus on winning matches.

    For example I would not do match previews or reviews on the U18 and use those slots for more attributes training. What do you guys think about that?

    This is a hard one - from all the costume schedules I saw online, only Zealand makes U18 schedules without game previews and reviews. All the other users still do those training sessions. Why? Are those important for attribute development or just for winning matches?


    I would like to read more opinions and have a healthy debate about all of this!


    Thank you very much!

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