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Everything posted by BraidsMamma

  1. Just to make sure I understand you correctly. Do you say that I can add the realism megapack to the level 10 database and it should work just fine? If so, that would be great news!
  2. That sounds great. I just heard about this enchanted realism multipack but that is perhaps reaching for too much? And if anyone would like to invite me to the discord I'd be super happy
  3. I just realised I might have a few more questions as well, and that the discord might be a better place to ask these. But the link seems to be invalid for me. Is there an updated invite that anyone would share with me. I'm BraidsMamma on Discord as well if that matters
  4. Hi, I'm new to the game (or rather new since playing vanilla in 2015) and have no experienced with mods. I have just bought FM 24 and would love to try this database out for a long term save. There also seems to be lots of other mods that enhances realism like real name fixes, jersey fixes, diversified media and so on. Can I combine this daabase freely with other mods of that kind (of course not with other database mods) or is this something that has to be avoided for this database to function properly? Lots of love from Sweden
  5. But the issue is not asking the board for more money but rather the opposite. I was fine as long as the board kept the money themselves and gave me a wage cap of about 10 k, but now that they forced an increase of the minimun wage cap (slider going as far right as possible) to 50 k this will ruin the club...
  6. Hi all, long time reader first time writer etc... I got into FM about six months ago after listening to an excellent swedish football podcast called When we Were Kings. For these last monhs I have been slowly and steadily taken FC Trollhättan from the lower parts of the swedish third tier to being in the run for top spots in the swedish premier division (the Allsvenskan). I have been very dilligent with the clubs finances, spending almost no money on transfers and working hard to keep a wage structure in the club. This has been required because I'm dead last in the league when it comes to ticket sales, being in the high 3000's while my main competitors is close to ten times that audience week after week. I have always kept the wage slider at the dead bottom to get my club to save what it can and not spend my hard earned cash on increasing wages. Just recently however I seemed to have gotten a lucky break with two of my first team playrs leaving on expensive transfers, bringing in about 2M £ to the club. But what happened then was that my board instantly increased my minimum wage budget from about 10 k £ per week to about 50 k. A lot of my first team player have only one or two years left of their contracts and when I asked about renewal their demands suddenly increased by at least 3 or 4 times from earlier. My main striker asked for a increase by 10 times (allbeit from quite a low base level). There is no way my club can handle this. If I were to pay these wages I'm quite certain that we would run out of those sweet transfer millions in about two years and after that I would go into debt. It also seems like the same has happened to players outside the club so finding new players would be just as expensive. Is there anything I can do, I've been playing this save for 9 seasons now and I just had the guts to invest in a youth program that could perhaps pay out in 5-10 more seasons but that was with the assumptions that I could keep the club going til then. Now it seems quite tough. If you have any input I'd be so happy. ps. Am I right in assuming that player wages also is the main driver for other (non sporting staff) wage costs. Last season I spent about 2 M £ on player wages and 10 M £ on "other wages", will that cost also triple if I were to tripe my player wage spending? .ds pps. Oh, and I'm playing FM15 if that matters.... ds.
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