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  1. Hi I am from India.I was Playing With A Getxo in Spain-Spanish Federation Second Gr 2.On third Season i got Promoted to Spanish Federation 1.Initialy My Board provided me A transfer budget $ 20.38 K, after some days They provided a scouting Budget of 90 K and suddenly my transfer budget became negative and Board didnt allow me to Adjust the Budget.So i am stuck with the game-Not able to Sign any new players.Please Help. (One interesting thing i noted-My scouting budget became negative last season.Despite the fact the budget was zero scouts conituned to provide me opposition team Reports and few Scout reports of players.But recuitment focuses Didnt worked.I started this season with a Negative $83,695-Marked in red colour in Scouting budget.Dont know Whether board Compensated that loss with my New Transfer Budget.Even if that is the case ,Why they are not allowing me to adjust The Budgets??.Plz Help ) STEPS TO REPRODUCE -Load the file "A Gatexo Transfer Budget issue" -Game will load on 7 Jun 2025 -Go to Finance section and See the the Transfer Budget-$20,380 -Press continue Button and proceed -On Jun 8 go to inbox and open Email from board indicating they are Providing $90K as scouting Budget -Go to finances and see the Transfer Budget -It just Disappeared -Board Not allowing me to adjust the budgets Save file uploaded in ownCloud- "A Getxo Transfer Budget issue" Please Help Fasil from India
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