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Everything posted by Soylent

  1. FIgured I'd give an update on how I settled in terms of the 4-3-3 as I wasn't sure before. I decided against the DLF, tried the CF a bit, but had an injury to my main IF so figured I'd just change the IF to support and go with AF which does work really well when countering. I noticed with the Mezzala on support there wasn't enough happening up front, on Attack he just likes to break the lines more, which also gives more space to the IW. I felt that because the Mezzala was going up more now, I didn't want the LCM to roam too much and made him an CM on Support, though I'm not sure if BWM on Support would be much different as it was before, just felt it made a bit more sense somehow. Where before it was all a bit up and down, it's not really more up, possibly also to do with TIs, but going forward we look dangerous and defensively we hardly put a foot wrong.
  2. The Mezzala is right footed, but has a fairly strong left foot. I'm more worried about the BWM playing against his foot, as he's just reasonable with the left. And I'll try the CF and see what gives for now. What are the thoughts on midfield? Is the DLP worth it if all the other midfielders are very similar in terms of vision and passing or will that just make it too predictable perhaps and a DMs is perhaps better? I'll try a MEZs on the right for now and try a complete forward, but may change after a bit if I feel the forward can't handle it after a while.
  3. The finishing of my midfielders isn't great, while the finishing if the IF and striker are quite good, creation wise all of midfield is good at it and so is the right winger. So having one of the midfielders go up front feels like a waste of finishing power, which is why I'm very unsure of the DLF and more thinking of an AF, but then that might not work as well with the IF on the left, I would think. I guess since both full backs at least have the "get forward whenever possible", it would make more sense to have them as wing backs, though they're not as strong as my midfielders in general. So the wrong footedness might not be that big of an issue and the same for my main mezzala prefering to play on the left in a 2 cm midfield? And since I play more of a counter style, you think the DLF is worth it just to have a bit of a better link up with at least the IF on the left? Or is it perhaps better to try CF as the guy mostly playing there is tall, fast, creative and can score. I've been using AF for a while, but wanted to get a bit more out of the IF. I'm also unsure if I should just put the IF on support perhaps and keep the AF.
  4. Hey there, I've been reading this thread and it's been great and it's made me want to go back to my beloved 4-3-3 which for some reason I've struggled with some this year and went for 4-2-3-1 which is still also a favourite of course. In general, my Striker, LW, midfield trio and my GK are my best players. There are a few things I'm mostly curious about how you guys feel about it as it's messing with my head some. The front line excists of this basic notion: the left wingers are pretty fast, technical right-footed guys who can score, the right wingers are more left-footed playmaking guys, but probably not playmakers full on, the strikers are both capable of scoring and providing and still posses some pace (faster than Harry Kane for sure)(potentially even able to play complete forward roles, even though they're not world class players though very solid) The midfield have pretty good vision across the board. The guys for RCM and CDM could possible swap with no issues, all right footed and a similar build, though the ones in CDM now possess more defensive upside. The guys I'd use for LCM aren't left food, but they have a good weak foot and prefer playing on that side. The backline has 1 CB that has amazing playmaking skills, much better than the others, purely right footed guy. My 2 best full backs have the trait "go forward whenever possible", their back ups do not. The right sided guy is very creative, the left one is definitely better at dribbling and crossing. I know this is a lot of info, but just to give an idea of my thought process. So to me it makes sense that keep the front 3 as is, in a sense of goalscoring left winger, goal scoring and/or providing striker and creating right winger. The issues lie more in midfield. Is it better to have the CM(S) or make it a BWM (S) and put it on the LCM space even though these guys would be playing against their foot. Same for the other side, a more advanced/free roaming role, but it would mean playing these guys in a position they prefer not to play, how much might this matter. As for the CDM, currently these players have a bit less creativity than the guys in front, so it felt weird to make it a playmaking role, but I'm unsure how much it matters in a countering team where all the midfield can play a decent ball in. Last issue, the other CBs aren't bad at playmaking, just not as good, so having just the RCB as the BPD makes the most sense. The issue lies with the "gets forward when possible", is the effect different on a FB compared to a WB, will he still stay back more or not care at all? Since my midfield are stronger than my full backs, it feels odd to use wing backs, but if they behave like this, is it even an option then? Sorry for the giant amount of text, I'm just curious what you guys think about this. Current Setup: Potential other setup, but unsure:
  5. Hey there, I'm very tempted to try this tactic as all about it sounds very logical and straight forward, but I was wondering 1 thing about the striker. Would it be at all possible to play it with a striker that's perhaps not the tallest, if you ask the crosses to be played low or perhaps whipped in? Do you think that might work at all? I'm just asking as 1 of my strikers and biggest talents isn't the talest, but he's fast, strong and mentally quite okay for a 20 year old. He probably would make a decent SS, but I do have a few guys that can do that role and he's not able to play there currently.
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