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Everything posted by stephen17191

  1. I've heard that CD keys aren't giving out the code till the actual release date 6/11
  2. Since the new update, i have had problems when i use FM23 editor. After adding or taking a few things from the league i have decided to edit, i switch to advance rules so i can edit the leagues etc a bit more. After i have finished what i want to do, i then test the leagues so they are verified and work in the actual game. However before ant verifying can take place you need to save the changes. Before the last update this was never an issue, but now when i click on save game data and give the edited game a name it doesn't save, therefore in advanced rules edit it will not verify as it says please save game. Please fix this slight hiccup.
  3. since the update, the advanced rules section on saving the game first before it will verify the leagues/work etc does not work. it wont save the game.
  4. After the new Chinese update, I found my editor game has disappeared so decided to start again. After doing all the finishing touches etc, i switched to advanced rules and here is the problem. It will not let me save the work which means i cannot get it to verify all the leagues so i cant use the changes in a game. Any ideas why it wont
  5. After the new Chinese update, I found my editor game has disappeared so decided to start again. After doing all the finishing touches etc, i switched to advanced rules and here is the problem. It will not let me save the work which means i cannot get it to verify all the leagues so i cant use the changes in a game. Any ideas why it wont save
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