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Everything posted by jcpclr

  1. Guys, thank you for such a great thread, in particular to bowieinspace, you have inspired me to start my own save. Any tips on save setups to maximize the Athletic experience? I want to make it a light database to be able to play through it fast (no point in having too many players in DB if you can't signt them...) but I also want some realism and good teams in Europe from outside the Spanish setup, which tens to not happen when you don't select them. Any general tips bowieinspace?
  2. Do you guys know how do I make it so that my assistant manager suggests training schedules and they pop in my inbox? This is something that happened pretty much at all my saves in decent teams, now managing Wrexham from the VNL and already in the Championship and it doesn't happen. Maybe because when I started I did not have sufficient staff?
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