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10 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Just your average guy who loves living out his childhood sports fantasies through his favorite simulation games. Catch me most nights on Twitch at 8pm Eastern playing Football Manager 2023. Hope you enjoy the highlights here on YouTube of our Journeyman save (Bottom to the Top) and our new series as we try to return TSV 1860 Munich to the Bundesliga (Lionhearted).

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    Borussia Monchengladbach, TSV 1860 Munich

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  1. The AI doesn't scout! They wait for you to make an offer for a player so they know who's good!
  2. Funny, but I encountered this just the other day for the first time ever. Better I think than having your board dole out courses to random members of your B team staff while denying your first team requests due to "lack of funds"
  3. You may need to select "Add Key Staff" (or whatever the option is) when setting up your game and just go with whomever you get.
  4. My personal favourite was my STARTING right back leading the charge into my office that he felt I was treating my BACKUP right back unfairly by not giving him more playing time. Ummmm...
  5. Also, you SHOULD get periodic news items asking you if you would like to scout certain upcoming competitions. However, I have not gotten a ton of results from this. While cumbersome, your best bet may be to individually scout players from the teams participating in that particular competition.
  6. Personally, I don't have a problem with players getting upset over what I've said. I'm sure it happens in real life. What I DO take issue with is that this same conversation then leads to that member of my team to be unhappy for MONTHS as a result and can lead to bigger issues inside the locker room.
  7. Following. In my full release save, my primary LW is right-footed and my primary RW is left. Had success with a similar set up in the beta by adding the "Cuts Inside" player instruction to the winger role.
  8. Had two goalkeepers within a month or so of each other break (or fracture) their lower arms while "catching a ball" in a match. For that to happen twice to one squad in a relatively short time period defies the odds, you have to admit that.
  9. I had the same issue when I downloaded a backgrounds/stadium pack. I just ended up deleting the folder with the large background images and everything is fine. YMMV
  10. I refer to my club as "Woodwork FC" if that answers your question.
  11. He LITERALLY was playing straight up center mid against Everton in the second half of the Derby.
  12. What do your scouts look like? I ask because, at age 26, this player should be at his full potential as players really don't grow beyond age 23, especially not that much. I wonder if your scouts aren't very good, so that is their way of saying "we think he's at this level, but we really don't know, so maybe he's a lot better than that?" Also, this guy is exceptionally mediocre. His corner ability isn't worth his inability to pass or shoot or play defense.
  13. I have also come to discover that the most important thing about determining if a player can play a position is not his star rating or preferences, but his attribute effectiveness in that particular role. Had a LAM who was the worst member of our squad on paper (2 stars in the Bundesliga) but he was so effective because everything he was actually good at fit perfectly with the role we put him in (IW-S).
  14. Typically, I find that when I get this message, my driver does, in fact, need to be updated. I think it just happens to be synced with Nvidia's release schedule, so it could just be coincidence.
  15. The other night, my team hit the crossbar with a shot and sent the rebound off of the post, so I feel this hard.
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