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  1. Can someone tell me principles of how to change tactics during match according to your opponent ?Otherwise I stop playing this game cause it makes no sense and feels to be too random. I am not talking about counterformation I mean principles how to counter opponent using tactics parameters like: ---Team Shape: mentality(control, counter attack, contain,) and etc... ---Attack tactics: like passing style and final third(look for overlap,throught ball) ----And other tactic parameters... Cause I play for Brighton,i counter formation and still loose a lot even to teams that have worse squad and results Sometimes I dont save and replay but countering their attack and also loose... I think that is because I don't understand tactics principles.....How can I understand what exactly should I change in tactic during after the match has started ???? I thing that this game is too random and has no stable principles...But then I see some guys get on 1-2 place in EPL..
  2. Thank you,i will use your suggestions.I also found that team mentality can be countered.For example against teams who play defence i use overload(i tried attacking and other mentalities,didn't work good).Against attacking mentality - counter attack helps.And against control i use balance.
  3. Hello.Could you help me please.I will be waiting for reply especially from @Marc Vaughan AS i understood - you cant play with the same tactics every match,you will loose..You need different formation and tactic for each opponent and there is a logic how to do that properly ??? does any one have guide of principles how to counter opponents formation and tactics ?Maybe you have article about that ? **----**For example I have difficulties playing against this formation as on photo !!! i was playing against this team as on photo maybe 5-6 times always with different tactics and the best one resulted in draw By the way I play mostly with Blackpool with 5-2-3 formation, and trying to find some others to switch if first one does not help I will be waiting for your reply.Thank you very much in advance)
  4. I am 100% sure that this 1 feature will make this game(football manager mobile) a lot better...I think you have to add some at least noncomplicated multiplayer features like ranking among players.Or add weakly competition to FM FC with multiplayer ranking,so players among the world can compete with international teams/club teams.
  5. Hello,i purchased Fm 23 mobile on ios and i am very happy with it...But unfortunately, it lacks Azerbaijan national team and also Qarabag (Azerbaijan club). How can I add this teams ??? If it is impossible I would be happy if you add them in game in nearest future. Thank you for your reply in advance
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