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Everything posted by xbenjaminx

  1. Fair enough. I mean most stuff is probably covered, but every so often I seemingly stumble across something else I can add graphics too.
  2. Apologies if this has been asked: Is there a complete list of all the possible things we can add graphics too? Sure various sites mod different aspects but I am wondering if there's a list anywhere of everything and all the possible directories/paths, placeholders and so on?
  3. So the RGB input. You either need to convert the hex code to RGB or if you want to get the colour direct from an image use a colour grabber like this and it will give you what you need. You can drop the hex code straight into google if you know the code and it will give you the RGB. You then type the format as follows 255|255|255 (White) where the numbers are between 0 and 255. For the | - the key you need is next to the Z key on a UK QWERTY Keyboard.
  4. @affe1802 So I'm guessing to add the 17 B, just copy the line, change the enum_id to something unique and keep the rest the same like you do when amending any other enum record?
  5. No problem mate. If anyone ever works out how to sort the naming issue with currencies I have a bunch more to add as well.
  6. To be fair, I have to change most of the UIDs anyway but I use a text editor for that. It's not the end of the world. In principle it still functions.
  7. @MorrisseyMuse the update you mentioned is out now. Looking forward to seeing what you can do
  8. This add-on updates all of the in-game currency exchange rates to their current exchange rates via xe.com The rates provided use the mid-market rate. In the future I hope to be able to add more currencies, if a workaround to the name issue can be found. I will also try and keep these updated regularly. Version 2.0.0 - Accurate as of 09/04/2024 (22:45 UTC) Ben's Default Database Updates - Currency.fmf
  9. I swear if you do find it they should give you a knighthood or something. It will help with a lot of mods, especially retro-modding.
  10. Alright - is it possible to manipulate the names in the same way that the Nations names were fixed?
  11. Going to assume all of this will still function with 24.4?
  12. @cleiria Do you know where the game draws on the list of currencies and regions (not local regions) from? They must be listed in some file somewhere, surely? I've managed to completely overhaul languages, it's just this thing with the currency renaming is the only thing that's eluded me?
  13. Take your time. Quality of quantity. Anyone who knows anything about modding knows how long these things take by the time you do research, graphics and all that. I'm working on some stuff myself at the moment. It gets even more challenging when you're working on obscure and/or remote areas.
  14. Is it possible to link the project to an existing database? For example as I continue to make changes or do I need to install a new database and use the default values every time? For example I reactivate the dead nations and rename a lot of the default stuff, so I am just wondering if there's a way to make such changes reflected in the project so it doesn't fail when generating?
  15. I had this exact problem with the same UIDs. The work around I found was to find out what the next UID for the city is (on a blank database this would be 2000337279) and then use a text editor to replace the UIDs generated by the app. That way it worked for me. It's not the most efficient method, but it gets the job done. The only thing I've found is I had to re-assign the local regions manually.
  16. I will preface this with the fact that I am autistic so a lot of the things I grumble about probably won't matter to most people, but whilst I have been playing around with mods and the database and trying to learn the mechanics of the game these are the general things that have occurred to me. That being said, with me being autistic, none of this is meant to be offensive or a criticism, communication isn't always my strong suite.: Abilities to add the following: Confederations: The ability to add other confederations to the game such as CONIFA, IIGA etc. It would help a great deal with modding Nations: There are many football playing nations and territories missing from the game. Would be great to be able to add them. Regions: NOT LOCAL REGIONS! But the geographical regions (e.g. UK & Ireland) along with the ability to edit the current ones. Considering latitude and longitude are already used in-game it should just be a matter of aligning to a Confederation. Custom Graphics: As long as something is at the correct pathway it should show in the P.G.E. This would allow users to see what they have already in place graphically. When you consider the thousands of graphic files people download this seems pretty important. Currencies: This is one of my biggest personal gear grinders. Currencies are named wrong, currencies are missing. Also means when making retro databases or reactivating dead nations we can use the appropriate currency. Whilst I appreciate that researchers may not have the time to look up all of this, there are people out there (like me) who are interested in this mundane stuff who would gladly make mods with the correct information. Language Groups, Sub Groups and Families: The effort I had to go to just to correct all of the language groupings was ridiculous. Again I appreciate researchers may not have the time to sort languages properly, but much like I said with currencies, there are people out there (like me) who are interested in this sort of thing who will gladly make mods to correct the missing and/or incorrect data. Goalkeeper Kits: There's so many beautiful kits released for this game by groups like FMSlovakia that it's astounding GK kits haven't been implemented yet. It's a bit of a letdown when you have a beautiful outfield kit that's professional looking then your GK kit looks like your local pub team. Other Suggestions: Design Tools: Design tools to be able to model stadiums and training grounds to add that further element of realism and immersion to our games. It would also allow for an even deeper level of personalisation as well as the ability to make regions, countries and other places look more unique. These tools could be extended to cover logos, kits and even trophies. You could do this with FIFA Manager as far back as 2010 if not before, so implementing this with modern technology shouldn't be that difficult. Whilst external programs and creators do exist, not everyone is capable of using these programs so something exclusive to Football Manager that's user friendly would be great for beginners to the modding scene. Google Earth Integration: We already use latitude and longitude to geolocate various elements of the game. Would it be possible to use something like Google earth (maybe via API integration or something similar) to pre-populate some of this geographical data in-game. For example if I were to enter a set of coordinates, or open the map program and click somewhere, the information could enter accordingly. I get this might be hard to do because of licensing and general integration but just an idea. Better explanations: On one hand I've found the general lack of clarity about what stuff does to be a good learning curve. I've learnt the stuff I've learnt about the editor and the game's engine by poking around and trial and error, but it would be far easier if stuff in the editor was better explained with the effect it has on the game and so on. Social Media Integration: Allow us to link our social media (X, Facebook, YouTube etc.) as well as things like our Steam and Epic Accounts for better ease of publishing content and also connecting with friends. Given how many great social media accounts relating to this game that there are, I am genuinely surprised this hasn't already been implemented.
  17. <!-- Languages --> <record> <flags id="field" value="Nlns" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="229371" type="use" value="Languages" /> <flags id="type" value="list" /> <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" /> <record id="list_item"> <list id="fields"> <!-- Language --> <record> <flags id="field" value="lang" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="227843" type="use" value="Language" /> <flags id="type" value="database_record_unique_id" /> <flags id="database_table_type" value="language" /> </record> <!-- Percentage --> <record> <flags id="field" value="perc" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="293035" type="use" value="Percentage" /> <flags id="type" value="integer" /> <integer id="min_value" value="0" /> <integer id="max_value" value="100" /> </record> </list> </record> </record> Btw - this is from the nations.xml but I imagine it will be the same for anywhere where there are languages. Is there any way to be able to decimalise this number for greater accuracy?
  18. Desperately want to find a way to finally fix currencies. They said languages were impossible but I've done that but if we could just get the name changes for currencies to stick that would be beautiful.
  19. You can make changes to affiliate agreements in the P.G.E. under the relationships tab.
  20. Yeah that's right, and I know that's why the change was made but until recently it wasn't exclusively a U23 team. I've reactivated all of the inactive nations so I can have the Island Games but I don't particularly want to default the Isle of Man (who I replaced Great Britain with) as having U23s.
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