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Everything posted by Counter9

  1. What personal instruction do you use on Wide Midfielder role?
  2. Yes i have the same problem. After going to byline or wide with the ball suddenly he has no passing option other then cross the ball hopelessly or lose the ball causing him low rating 9 times out of 10. What roles should i use in Midfield in a 4-3-3 formation and the striker to support the IW. I want him to be the main man.
  3. Can you please tell me which attribute you focus on defenders and mid-fielders? and what is the minimum for LaLiga or EPL to play a defence first playstyle.
  4. This is my 4-3-3 with Real Madrid. The Winger on attack has Cut inside with ball player instruction. And for the Out of Possession instruction sometimes I select Get Stuck In or More often for pressing intensity. I don't care if my team plays more Direct style of counter attack or Fluid style. I just want my team to play nice counter attacking football. So give me some instructions for the tactic or player roles if needed. Some players have personalized instruction of Pass it Shorter who has passing and vision less than 11. thanks.
  5. Have anyone tried to build defend first Counter attacking football on FM24? I am struggling to get it working in a 4-3-3 formation? Do anyone have a counter attacking tactic to show me so i can get some idea. Thanks.
  6. I've played 10 match 5 with Regroup and 5 without. When I played with Regroup the opposition team had more Highlights compared to when I've not used it. So decided not to use Regroup anymore. In case of CWB I actually have the "Dimond" players that you've described earlier. They both have Aggression, Concentration, Decision, Teamwork, Work rate and Stamina averaging 13 or more. Last season they were my most assist providers. I use CWB because when sometimes there is no space infront of them to run the cut insides, that's what I like about the most about the CWB role rather than traditional WB's. I also use Mark tighter instruction on them.
  7. Need help with this tactic.. The results are fine but I need some advice. Regroup : Should I use this or not? I don't want to use Counter Press as I use mid block and want the opposing team to come to my side then win the ball and counter. Should I use Regroup or not? The second thing is how high should be my defensive line? High, Standard or Low for this style of play. Here is the tactic I am using,
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