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  1. yes. start a little while ago. fm 23.2. I have a team with lot of talents and some good players. Chelsea and man u have better teams then i have. Since the 4th season i am struggling with tactics.
  2. I tried the moneyall tactic. Ended 4th with a big gap to the rest of the teams. any other good suggestions?:) Maybe it is because i am in the 4th season?
  3. i did not download any database, so i dont think so. i tested the WOF and lost a lot of matches and finished 5th. I shall test moneyall, thanks.
  4. Hi Knap I always used your tactics over the years of FM. This year i am struggling. Can you advise me with the best tactic for Arsenal. I already tested the top 3 score tactics in your sheet. Thanks in advance and keep up the greet work.
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