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Posts posted by NoirChrist

  1. 16 hours ago, scythian12 said:

    To be fair, whilst Zealand's pack is miles better than what is in the game, it could be enhanced further, best by an official solution by SI.


    1): matching hair colour to the 3D models / db data as well as facial hair

    2) better ethnicity types: East Africans and Polynesians / Pacific Islanders (and some South Africans) do not look like West Africans. Yet they all get West African faces. Same with Central Asians getting Asian faces and Asians, SE Asians in general need deblobbing for a proper solution, as Japanese, Koreans, Chinese (even within the country) have different appearance. Also mixed-race images are complicated and the middle Eastern / North African types are definitely off (for instance for Cyprus, Israel or Turkey)

    3) With a bit more effort, you could have ageing faces. So generate images with the same prompt (and seed) with the descriptor for example 15-18-21-25-30-35-45-55-65 old for proper looks throughout the playing and staff career of a regen.


    Here an exeamle with 15-20-25-35

    15yosm.png.dab98c58613f4dd9e38fa07a06907e3b.png 20yosm.png.6a758ab60bea3ad5e2ae8fa18650f23f.png 25yosm.png.fb3560ca179f57ea4b27776b76eb1995.png 35yosm.png.d6b73a5e09fabcb8d4fd59ca9e175a61.png


    Did you generate these images yourself?


  2. 3 minutes ago, Brentford Alan said:

    Tbf, and I don't understand the reasoning behind it tbth, but they've only focused so far on the negatives of stuff that's coming out of the game, not on whats going to be flashy, new and updated.

    As a researcher, Do you have any info on what exactly the "new" Unity game engine is going to look like?

  3. 1 minute ago, SPE3D said:

    The general vibe of that latest development article is not encouraging. I wouldn't be surprised if this year's game is eventually scrapped and they go to FM26. A move I wouldn't be against if it meant we got a playable game.

    The game, whatever state it ends up being in, will be releasing this year for sure. I don't think Miles & SI can afford to skip "another" instalment. I'm particularly interested in this new 3D match engine, can't wait to see what they've been working on all this while.

  4. 6 minutes ago, santy001 said:

    Same point as I made before, your height cannot fluctuate. No one has ever come back from a period of injury six inches shorter, they might come back six pounds heavier. It's nothing at all to do with weight shaming. It's very likely no one had a meaningful discussion about weight over the last 10 years. When it's come to setting data for female footballers it seems quite logical to infer that when someone asked for weights they were like "Well it changes quite a lot through the course of a season" and that probably led to a bit more of a concerted conversation about how it features and is presented in the game.

    While Starfield had a mass system when designing ships the weight had no tangible impact on ship handling/effects when actually piloting a ship compared to a game like Elite Dangerous where there was an inertia based physics model which was impacted by ship cargo, various upgrades etc. FM hasn't had that to the best of my knowledge and even if it were to be developed in the future, the descriptions in the background could still be utilised in it.

    Oh i'm starting to get it. The "Weight" stat has no influence on the match engine so that called into question the whole utility of collecting data for it. It's also not because of the inclusion of the Women's game, it's because the stat fluctuates generally.

    I do still feel, it shouldn't be hidden, FM is as much of a scouting tool as it's a game/manager sim, having height but no weight on open display still seems a bit off though. Also, at most during a season, a player weight probably fluctuates at most 10-15lbs either way. The data collection could just be focused on an average value for weight an working off there


    Like why not just have a simple rule to increase player's weight by a random "x" amount during the off-season. 

    This could even be something that only affects players with low determination/natural-fitness. Then you "double intensity" their training to get them to shred it off. Seems like i've stumbled on a cool potential easter egg here.


    I do get the general point, i haven't read the dev update entirely but your explantion makes sense, although a bit puzzling why the general consensus from the community seems to be it's all because of "body-shaming".


  5. Just now, NoirChrist said:

    I have no problem with the womens game. I was 50/50 about it last year when EA announced they were adding it to career mode but i've grown to enjoy it's inclusion and i'm looking forward to the same in the next instalment of FM.

    What i do have a problem with is taking away the "Weight" stat. Some might argue that it's always been an inconsequential factoid (I'm quite slow-paced & detailed while playing the game so i've always found utility for it, while also pairing it with the height stat while scouting, particularly in the lower leagues where i'm not familiar with most player profiles ) but i think it's useful, like why have Height but not Weight on display?

    If the argument is Body/Weight-shaming, surely someone's Height comes into the equation too? Have we considered the people out there shorter than 5'7?. Also, don't we have to safeguard gainst racism? maybe we stop rendering skin colour and just make all the 3D player models gray! Maybe we stop providing information on player nationality and just take that out alongside the International management feature?!

    Like many have said, the thought is in a good place but now it's like SI have jumped the gun too far and are now creating solutions for problems which do not practically exist. Like we have Female characters of various morphology in many video games all across the genre spectrum. Why then do SI decide to take a weird stand about this when no one else is fussing about it in the first place?


    Admittedly, Myself and many others seem to be making a mountain out of a molehill of this but it is an international break and not much else to do. It's not a big deal at the end of the day but weird move from SI to make this an issue out of nowhere.

  6. On 19/07/2024 at 04:49, Delicate Dave said:

    Sadly the way of our world now is, everyone will lie to you. Even our polititions will say something knowing you'll take it as one thing but they'll be able to say later they meant something else. And everything is overstated for effect. In the 1990s this was could "spin". The term Powerful is spin means nothing. Could be a 2010 i3 that got the power to write notes or able to play UT videos. The details you need are first in look and feel and if that's not posible the reviews and secondly the spec sheet - not the product details at the retailer - the specifcation sheet issued by the manufaturer for that exact model number. Then you compare and learn while trying to hold off you eagerness to buy.

    It helps to look at computers from a manufaturer's point of view. The best interests are not allways servered by designing the most powerful or the best value. The best option we have to determine if a make is good for not so good is build qiality. That's because all manuafuteres have to give a warretee by law so their starting point is "will this last the warrentee. So that's where all buyers should start.

    Next perhaps the business can be seperated by design quality - Some manuafurures like DELL & Apple sell on the look so this would be high on their design path.

    From this point we get into value for money, features and specilaty use. When buying a laptop these are the manuafatureres that offer the most value in terms of usage but remember you scarfice some build and perhaps your laptop won't look a sleek as you might like.

    For me, having used most brands I now for for build quality over everything, I want something to last. But I also need it to do the job and I don't want a house brick sitting on my laptop. Hinges are the most important here as thats where Laptops tend to suffer most. Then it's the keyboard layout - it's a personal pereference but I like seperate mouse pad button and I like them to click. 

    Once I've got a list of modals that fit those need it's down to the goodies - What you can afford under the hood so to speak. 1. Dedicated graphics. 2. Processing power. 3. Screen quality. The rest I can live with - can always upgraid ram, HD etc.

    The brands that fall in to my own needs are MSI, HP & Asus.    

    Appreciate the reply, will use the main ideas in this as a rubric going forward. Cheers

  7. 2 hours ago, Nick OGS20 said:

    Hi all. Current laptop appears to be about to give up the ghost due to wear and tear - was wanting to get a replacement later in the year anyway as it won't be able to handle FM25, but now looks like I'll have to decide on a replacement before we know the FM25 specs annoyingly. Current laptop is an Acer and has been the best laptop I've ever owned by a mile so been looking at Acers (but not totally wedded to going down that route) - anyone able to say whether they think this one looks good from a 'will run FM25 very well' perspective (know we can't guarantee anything given we don't have the specs yet, but making some educated guesses)?


    That's probably about the limits of my budget (maybe another £100 on top at a push) if there's anything better around in that bracket.

    Edit: Maybe this as a non-Acer alternative - have heard/read good things about MSI laptops - https://www.amazon.co.uk/MSI-Katana-17-Gaming-Laptop/dp/B0BSXQ9RPS

    I've used this laptop personally on a time-share for some work i was doing and honestly i found it terrible with FM (alhtough with an rtx 3060 but same specs all round). On the surface the specs look amazing but i just couldn't get the thing to run smoothly; particularly when using it with an external display. While running FM i always felt the fans were a bit too loud and it always felt a bit buggy. Maybe i just had a defective machine but i never quite felt satisfied over the ~75 hours i spent on it. A lot of folks on the internet do recommend it though.

  8. On 15/07/2024 at 22:31, Smurf said:

    Very very pricey - what I'd say is a very average computer.

    Honest question, what makes a computer really standout to you? I'm quite taken aback that you've run into so many issues with a machine thats often been tagged as "powerful", i've always told myself that getting an m-series macbook would solve all the problems i currently face on my current machine.

    I'm only just srarting to "get into" computers so i'd appreciate if you could open my eyes a bit here. Thanks

  9. On 11/07/2024 at 10:03, Delicate Dave said:

    Of course, this is no problem with desktops, you could build a FM24 desktop for £500 easy

    The thing with the PC's though and what's discouraging me from building one. It's got to be tough to only have the oppurtunity to load up a save only when physically on your computuer. Like, imagine being on a 7 hour layover at the Frankfurt airport and being stuck with nothing to do because you only have FM installed on your PC back at home? Granted i don't travel much personally but it's a possibility. I'd like to be able to just crank out a game or two while on the train or at a coffee shop/library.

    On the other side, maybe having a dedicated PC is not such a bad idea, perhaps video games should only really be played while in the comfort of one's home. Perhaps it's a good idea to have a physical barrier between work and play. Essentially, if i'm outside the house, does that not mean i'm working on a task and video games shouldn't be accessible. I don't know.

    This is the dilemma i face. Do i just build a budget PC now, save up for the Macbook, and end up installing FM on both systems in 6 months time? Hmm

  10. On 11/07/2024 at 03:45, Delicate Dave said:

    Second hand market is your best way to go. Use places like PCU Benchmark to evaluate the CPU first then for FM at the current version any dedicated GPU will be fine. Maybe next version insurance like for one with a 4gb GPU. Don't worry about disk space or ram as these can be ungraded and anyway for value it's better to be short on those and add new like swap a HD for SSD for example. MSI, HP & ASUS are the makes I would go for. I certain I can get a laptop that will play FM24 for around £100 on ebay but maybe I would go to £250 for one for the next 2 years.

    Thanks for the reply. For now, i think i'll just give up on buying a laptop, My budget only really enables a stop-gap and i'd hate to buy a laptop i don't really like today and have no way to get rid of it in 6 months. I'll just work towards the macbook, it's my dream machine, i'll make my dream come true.

    In the meantime, maybe i'll work on buiding a PC using some of the specs you've guys have thrown around, hopefully that one would be easier to piece down an get rid of in the future. I'll just have to wait a couple more moths to continue my FM journey.


  11. Well, i'm also in the market for a new computer. "Mostly" to play FM as running it on my current machine is mostly a pain. I'm also in uni studying Computer science so that does factor a bit into my choice of harware.

    Budget: ~300Euros = 450CAD. (LOL, i'm broke)


    1. I've used a 4GB macbook air as my daily driver for the last 10 years and so i am wholly used to not being able to watch games in 3D, even if i do someday get my hands on a flagship gaming laptop, i doubt i'd be too excited at the possibilty. 2D suits me all day.

    2. I'd ideally want to run "as many leagues as possible". Having been stuck on only being able to run a handful of leagues due to my machine's limitations for quite some time. I'd happily welcome the oppurtunity to finally scout the cliche wonderkid from the slums of Colombia. Although, old habits die hard and i'm used to playing on a limited scope, i'd at least just want to run a save for a couple seasons with over a dozen leagues loaded up without fearing that my laptop might combust. I'm at the point where i have quite little time to game, so immersion is primarily what i'm after, even if it's just for an hour. I'd like to scout those wonderkids and feel like the world is limitless.

    3. Sometimes i like to delude myself into thinking that i'd like to get back into playing FIFA so i need a proper gaming laptop. But no, frankly it's not worth it. This laptop would primarily be for studying, writing code and FM. For other games, i plan on maintaing a gamepass subscription sometime in the future and acquiring a next-gen console. For now FM is all i'm after in terms of gaming.

    4. Over various points in my life, I've juggled photography and video editing as a hobby/side-gig. The afore-mentioned limits of my current machine has meant that i've not been able to explore these creative outlets for quite a while. I'd like to change that, i do not have the resources to purchase an Adobe subscription so i do not necessarily need the hardware to run industry-standard programs. Open-source or even Web-based apps are what i plan to use so I do not feel a GPU is necessary. Also, i'm looking at at least 16GB of RAM. Its 2024, no one should realistically be using a machine with less than that, i don't think it's fun.


    So i plan on using the laptop to Write code, Stream Netflix, Play FM, and edit the occasional video.

    My budget is primarily targeting the second-hand market, pawn shops and certified refurbished vendors.

    I'm currently looking at getting a Thinkpad T490 (refurbished, but i feel my budget could also easily snag it on sale somewhere brand new/in excellent condition)

    Scraped Specs: Lenovo Thinkpad T490 Laptop, Touchscreen, 14" FHD (1920x1080) Notebook, Core i5-8365u, 16GB DDR4 RAM, 512GB SSD, HDMI, Thunderbolt Windows 10 Pro.

    "This model is touchscreen but i'm disabling that on day one because frankly that is ridiculous"

    Exact product link: https://www.amazon.ca/Lenovo-Thinkpad-T490-Touchscreen-Thunderbolt/dp/B083ZMWTNL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=35XUMD382Q3MT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.AzsMoFTnH8koDMpaHtmxqNFO0wQG5mk6D67ZanoW-wHByRqoLxyJZRPtd5L7QjD4Zdshq_oza6_jP2o_RGvZpyunuuU8fBC5EwIO5xYwPFScKbjgLh-KexkZq_ALSGOANFnls9gK7KfEBWG_Co7Cmvb4kOMV8CXUVoC6WMpRsdqid6pKs42g7sLqmrIzL07DysJDIlDzSdfTl7WVkX6vlM5XwjjBe97IFLge6iZ10JqwaiJLzt_SblWhqh-gTTL5j7UNzJ43ON-D-QR1VaA_7-Vfvhh0ddZSEW9k6K4Ed34.JsNsPFPguz7ySnMfXvNUru1dHMUWluwBOqzHB9sG-ZE&dib_tag=se&keywords=thinkpad+refurbished&qid=1720642129&s=electronics&sprefix=thinkpad+re%2Celectronics%2C125&sr=1-1


    Thoughts? My only concern is the processor on the T490, The i5 chips might be showing their age now, especially if i plan on running multiple leagues. My dream machine is an M series mac, but that's one for the future, are those things even good for FM?

    I am not opposed to other laptop suggestions as well but 16GB of RAM (or at least the ability to expland the RAM) and a solid processor is what i'm after. I've been through a lot on my 4gb Macbook Air


    Edit: Few typo's

  12. Thats how it is in real life tbf, Doesn't matter if the Swedish second division club you took to the UCL is "better" than half the clubs in the Premier League. Those clubs will still have a higher reputation while being in a usually more competitive league. Earning potential exists as well. Most players would definitely prefer to earn $70K p/w at Aston Villa than $80K p/w at say FC Andorra. It's the way of the game, you've just got to live with it.

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