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Dan Sheppard

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121 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"



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    Football, F1, NFL

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  1. It looks like this might be the 'Austerity Measures' achievement. We had a slight issue with this before so once in your save go into [Settings] - [View] - [Narratives] and trigger the 'Austerity Measures' narrative. Once you complete what the summary suggests you should unlock the final achievement.
  2. Hi @BreakingCircuit Due to this being on FM23 we will be unable to get time to look into this in detail. However, I noticed in the file name that the save file has been used in combination with the editor so is likely related to this. I've also moved this thread to the correct forum place.
  3. We are still looking at these reports and trying to replicate them. The difficulty is that the volume of reports we've seen doesn't suggest it's a game issue or we'd have seen far more and is more likely hardware, but it's also difficult for us to pinpoint the problem without replicating it. We are continuing to test internally to try and replicate but unfortunately, there is little we can suggest other than what @Zachary Whyte has until we can replicate it.
  4. We are still looking at this. To confirm that we have been able to replicate this but cannot locate the root cause as it's not happening continually.
  5. While I can't provide any assurances, I have been raising this with the Touch team to address this hopefully.
  6. @MorrisseyMuse - Any video recordings we can get are always helpful. It's unlikely we'll be able to push anything in terms of a fix for '24 but will help us understand the issue for the future.
  7. We are continuing to push this information back to Netflix. At this stage, the best suggestion is to reset your device which should help with the issue.
  8. The game on console does have some limitations and is optimised for the player experience based on this. We regularly see these types of comments and note the feedback ahead of planning the next years' title. When it comes to features being added, it's not as simple as just adding every single feature to the Console version. Therefore, if there are elements of features you'd like to see, we recommend being specific so it can be considered. Alternatively, it's worth noting that if you have access to a laptop, you can access both Console and PC variants via GamePass.
  9. @mbramah after looking into this it turns out there wasn’t a bug here. As Zachary explained above it was to do with the board. If you can provide other examples if you feel there is a bug, we can take a look.
  10. I'd suggest getting in touch with SEGA so they can do a full run-through of steps. They'll be able to check all the possibilities and hopefully get to the bottom of the issue.
  11. Are you 100% sure you didn't set such a clause in the contract when negotiating? It looks that way from the description you've given. If you happen to make another transfer soon, I'd suggest taking a screenshot of the offer and see if similar happens. You can then send it across and we can take a look.
  12. I assume this hasn't triggered after the start of the following season? Can you upload a save for me?
  13. In terms of this error you are experiencing, we believe this is something related to Netflix side but we've yet been able to reproduce it reliably. We are continuing investigations but it's good to hear launching for a second time allows you in game for now.
  14. How to pick your squad in Football Manager Mobile With Football Manager Mobile being our most-played-ever Mobile iteration, we are putting together some bitesize content pieces for those new to the game. We are starting by looking at squad selection and will explore other areas off the back of the final data update. Squad Selection Selection is key and picking the correct squad of players playing to their strengths will be key to leading your team to success in Football Manager Mobile. Assess your opposition in the Pre-Match Hub and understand where their strengths and weaknesses are to dominate them on the pitch. New Player Selection Flow The new player selection flow has been created to make it easy to manage your squad from one screen. From the Squad Selection page, press one of the positions at the top of the screen that you want to fill - this will then take you to the pitch view and highlight the selected position. On the right side you will see all the players suited to that position on the pitch, pressing in the squad column next to their name will assign that player the position you have highlighted. You may also wish to compare a player using the new player selection flow. To initiate this flow, long press on the players' position as seen in the video and then select another member of the squad from the substitutes bench. Player Comparison.mp4 Club Squad - Selection There are several other ways in which you can select your squad, starting with a simple selection based on the players preferred position and whether this fits within your current formation. To switch a players position with someone on the subs bench or vice versa, hold the position you want them to be in and then drag it to their name. Alternatively, you can use the press the position tile next to the players name which will provide you a pitch layout (seen below) enabling you to switch in one of your substitutes. Player Switch.mp4 If you are struggling to find suitable players for certain positions, you may need to adjust your formation or you may even wish to retrain your players' position to adapt to your favoured position. As seen in the video below, if you choose a position unsuited to the player you will receive coaches' advice, suitability and current ability for the new position selected. Retrain.mp4 Detailed View You can switch your view to a more detailed view by pressing ‘Actions’ and selecting ‘Detailed’ under the view options. This will open additional stats, Average Match Rating and Match Impact (MI). Match Impact will also be displayed using an arrow system, Red being low impact and Green being high impact. Detailed View.mp4 Tactics Swiping left on your screen when on the squad selection screen will bring you to the ‘Formation’ panel and you can also manage your squad directly from here. You can switch out players by pressing on the position they are playing in and then selecting the box to the left of the player on the right column. If the icon of the player (Darker Green) changes colour, as shown in the image below with Buonanotte, this means they are less familiar with this position. If you are still unsure who to pick for certain positions, you can consult the Team report (button at the bottom of the squad selection page) which will provide you with a Suggested XI. This will be determined based on performance across the season and familiarity with the current setup. We hope these tips may help with understanding some of the basic team-building functions in Football Manager Mobile, especially for those new to the game. Additionally, we’ve also recently released an article that contains information on the range of Manager Titles available in Football Manager Mobile, you can find out more here.
  15. Can you let us know how you get on once you reach the end of the '33 season? If not, feel free to upload a save and we can do some testing.
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