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metal_guitarist last won the day on April 20 2022

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3,591 "These go to eleven"



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  1. What's the betting his hamstring has gone again for the 3rd time and he'll miss pre-season for us? Should have been pulled from the squad to recover properly.
  2. If Bellingham is moved deeper then you could play Kane as the 10 with Toney or Watkins ahead of him, especially against the weaker sides. His passing is good, he can shoot from distance and he'd still be a threat arriving late into the box.
  3. Konsa is probably the best option we have available out of the squad there if you have the RB tucking in with the CBs to make a 3 with the LB high up the field. Have Saka hold the width and whoever is playing at 10 drift into the right half-space.
  4. He shouldn't be in the squad, there's no need for him. Is he good enough to play RB ahead of other options? No. Is he good enough to play in midfield? No. Is he good enough to play RWB? We don't play with wing-backs. But he can play a long pass. Most professional footballers can ping a 60 yard pass whilst sat out on the wing under little to no pressure from an opposition player. But he can take set pieces. So can - *checks* - Shaw, Rice, Saka, Kane, Bellingham, Trippier, Bowen, Eze, Palmer and Wharton. So what's the point of him exactly?
  5. England have a habit of throwing inexperienced players in front of the camera for the media to pick apart. Did exactly the same with Greenwood on his first call up when he'd done virtually no press at all for Utd beforehand. Club weren't very happy about it and I doubt they will be at this as well.
  6. The drop of the shoulder and finish from Musiala on that second goal is so good, sent McGregor back to Glasgow with it.
  7. Semi-Automated offsides, PL aren’t due to introduce them until some time in the Autumn this year.
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