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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

About 哈弗茨也是哈宝

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  1. These selection criteria are really difficult to use, and why is there no option for fatigue? It's really absurd to use the same set of selection criteria for both starters and substitutes. The recommended candidates are also problematic. Enzo is clearly more suitable for the DLP position than Caicedo. Why can't we use the ranking in the squad planner as the standard for selecting players?
  2. 系统经常会出现明明一名球员无论是能力、评分都比另一名球员高,但用人建议却一直推荐那位差球员。 难道就不能联动阵容规划里的排序吗?
  3. 贵公司是歧视女性吗?为什么在编辑器里把性格选项删除了?
  4. 行为准则设置中希望可以加入沿用上赛季,每个赛季都要重新设置真的很烦
  5. 行为准则设置中希望可以加入沿用上赛季,每个赛季都要重新设置真的很烦
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