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Posts posted by Orsenfelt

  1. Having the same issue, in my case it's most of the team not showing up. Screenshot attached of it not finding the only other goalkeeper in my squad who is fit/registered/available.

    If I manually drag the 2nd keeper into position he then shows up in the dropdown. As does the first choice. If I use that to switch them again, 2nd choice vanishes again. Same applies to the subs slots.

    Also noticed; The 'Hide Starting XI' filter works as expected when the 'working' player (Miskiewicz) is picked. IE turn on the filter and the dropdown list is empty. If I drag the broken keeper in as starting, the same filter when toggled doesn't hide him, it just shows both keepers. (Until I drag Bell out the team, at which point he vanishes again from the dropdowns)


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