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  1. Too hot how? i use an M1 Air and run about 20 leagues playable and the rest view only and have 0 issues. It gets hot but that is expected when you’re playing an intensive video game especially on Very High graphics settings during games. unless your computer is giving you a warning that it is getting too hot and needs to shut down, your computer is fine and the game is most likely working as expected. If you are on an M1, that is almost a 5 year old computer. It is not surprising it runs hot if you have graphics settings on Very High.
  2. Here is a link to a women’s database for FM23. It has 1600 downloads in a year. https://www.fmscout.com/a-women-football-database-fm23.html Do you think that is 10% of the playerbase? for example, the player name fix has over 500k downloads on the same website. You wanna actually talk statistics or…?
  3. Are you saying the inclusion of weight will destroy people’s lives? You do realize EAFC has the women’s weights already right…?
  4. What a dumb reason to defend something. They shouldn’t fix features in the game to make them work right for current players- they should add a new mode with the chance it’ll attract new players! how about fixing issues which have been in the game for years and rewarding your core fans for sticking around. Instead of binning off already existing features to add something that 1% of the player population may play at some point.
  5. Lol well you think they’d actually try to fix a pretty major part of FOOTBALL MANAGEMENT SIMULATION, instead of adding more features no one asked for. Instead they are removing features which should be non negotiables, and removing other features which add to immersion (international management and weight) to again, shoe horn in features no one asked for.
  6. This is supposed to be a simulation game you realize that right? Have you ever seen a real football game where was not manager shouting at his players from the touchline?
  7. The issue is though no one plays FM for the graphics. If they did they would have left years ago. So I don’t really understand if SI think the graphics will be a big enough trade off for all the stuff they are removing. Only 5% of players play international management cause it’s half baked. So instead of improving on it, they decide to remove it and add women’s football, which is currently played by 0% of the players, and would assume is going to be played by 5% or less of the players in the same way international football is. And now they’re removing the weight as well as it works “differently” in women’s football. I thought this was supposed to be a SIMULATION game?! We now cannot see a players weight and we can’t even manage an international team? FM25 is not in for a good start… and I think the way they’ve gone about announcing is going to hinder not help their player base get excited about it.
  8. Now I understand what you meant Yes maybe they will release it next year.... or maybe am I from the future?
  9. One thing interesting is they are using Design Builds for UI images and not screenshots... Doesn't the game release in like 4 and a bit months?!
  10. I am curious when we will hear about quality of life updates. Like fixes to player interactions, press conferences, promises, scheduling and AI squad building ..... Please dear god don't let this just be a visual update.... !!!
  11. Glad Sports Interactive and Miles released a development update for FM25. Really cool to see them do that. The dumbing down of the UI though... Deary me... Looks like it was made only for consoles
  12. Now that we are closing in on the end of FM24s game cycle, what improvements to AI squad building have you experienced? I do notice more youth players getting play time if they are good enough. But I do find may issues still persists from previous generations of the game. Mostly related to squad building a few years into a save, where teams will hoard players and have multiple players not registered come the season start and end of the summer transfer window. I also find on average most teams age is quite old even in 2030s, as they are more often then not playing quite old players rather than newgens. Another issue I’ve come to see in very long saves is many teams bankrupt. The salary’s once you hit the 2040s are astronomical with average players on over 500k per week in the premier league, and most teams in millions of dollars of debt because of it. Has anyone noticed any other improvement from previous games?
  13. Whenever I open a new browsing session on community.sigames.com the default language of the forum changes. Currently everything is in spanish. I have had this bug for years. Is there a known fix or a fix in the works? Thank you!
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