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Everything posted by xOGxTerror

  1. You do understand that no amount of "variables" should make a team that has 1's in 80% of their attributes... (ones you think that would be important for football like passing and composure and first touch) be able to finish 2nd in the EPL while having the CA ratings for a Vanarama National League team yeah? You don't think that alone is worth SI to take a look..? "But the usual path of these things is largely a refusal to share that, probably because they'll be quickly told that the methodology is flawed. Like this one is.." In which part of that post did they refuse to share any information...?? Do you care to elaborate on exactly how this is flawed...?
  2. There is a bug post on the forum already for it by me... so yes looks like SI has been made aware. So hopefully SI do enact some change!
  3. Also as much as I criticize Football Manager... I love this game so much and play more than 1000 hours every year. But it is so disappointing watching them add half baked features for the sake of saying we added x number of new features this year, and existing issues being ignored year over year. And then next years version only finally making the last years feature properly usable. How are press conferences and player interactions still SO lacking... And have been for years!! Why is the MLS a featured league, yet scheduling of fixtures is broken and does not schedule the appropriate opponents per division. How is proper fixture scheduling not a priority for a football simulation game...? This was reported as an issue in FM23 and was acknowledged but is still the exact same in FM24.... Don't even get me started on the feature "Manager Timeline" which shows the same player signing 3 times in a row, but yet misses many other key games and events. It is FEBRUARY and scouting is STILL broken. Turkish league is also STILL broken. Try and start a save with a Turkish team in debt, you will never be able to get out of debt no matter how many players you sell and how much money you make. The biggest thing that scares me for the next game is how much attention is being taken away from the game to fit in womens football... Which really, who even asked for? I support the womens games as much as the next person... But if people wanted it as a feature, the womens database mods would be way more popular than they currently are. I'd love to see them more make the existing games not so buggy on launch, and less about introducing new features for the sake of marketing. Game for me peaked probably around FM17, and has become more and more bloated and frustrating since then. ME is better in recent games, but everything else seems to be underwhelming. Seems to be a lot less about being a proper football simulation these days. I feel like the AI transfer and playtime logic hasn't changed in 10 years, a long with many other features which seem to have stagnated rather than advanced in any meaningful way.
  4. The AI press conference question logic can be SO stupid and is SO immersion breaking its actually terrible. A few years in the future and I am playing as Roma. I have already won this seasons league title with 4 games to go, and have 2 of the league games left to play but they are obviously meaningless. I have also just played and won the Copa Italia LAST GAME, and have the Champions League final in about a week. I have a league game next against Spezia who are 10th. In the press conference before the Spezia game I get asked and I quote "How are you feeling ahead of what is arguably Roma's biggest match of the season?" Just laughable....
  5. Also whats up with the MLS scheduling? Seems to have major conflicts every season. I think it was reported as an issue last year as well but does not seem to have been addressed... And don't get me started on recruitment focuses... game released 2 months ago and a basic feature which worked every year previous is no longer working...
  6. Back to FM23 for me currently. I love long term saves but I feel like player development is even worse in this version. Also some weird bugs in regards to player reputation and awards and what not. I even was playing my long term FM23 save in 24 but still wasn't doing it for me. Hoping the next updates addresses a few of these issues...
  7. I do have to ask - what about squad building has changed since 23 that it was a headlining feature? Because if anything it seems worse than last year! Especially with the under development of players in the youth squads. The youth managers do not rotate at all and some players literally have 0 appearances all season… just a bit surprised it is now almost 2 months since release and this issue is still not resolved….
  8. Personally I've found in the last few additions of FM that inside forwards are more and more useless and I tend to get a lot more from using an IW with gets further forward on. Could be completely related to my tactics or players I am picking, but I do find IF do not contribute much in build up even if on support. And they tend to sit a bit too narrow for my liking, not involving themselves much at all, whether with goals or assists. IW's tend to contribute a lot more with G+A in my experience. But could be because I am usually using an AF, and they take up similar positions as the IF. I'd like to know some player examples of an IF vs an IW as maybe I do not understand the roles as well as I think I do.
  9. Yep.... 0 subs made and youth teams line ups do not rotate ever... Hoping this is fixed soon!!
  10. This may be what you are looking for - Whether this is completely correct or not is a different matter. But he lays out his testing strategy so you can decide for yourself. I found it useful
  11. I am really really surprised by some of the comments in this thread. Whether what he says in his video or not is completely accurate, for some people to put other people down for even trying to test this stuff and figure out how parts of the game work is laughable. If people have a better method to test this - you'd think they would suggest it rather than saying this one is "balls" and not putting forward an alternative. EBFM has released some good videos in the past which has revealed how a few of the less explained systems in FM work. And he has explained it better than the game does - and I think if the game explained some of these systems better, there would not be a need for the work that EBFM does. But the reaction of some people replying to this is hilarious. He is releasing videos trying to figure out how some parts of the game relate to other parts... specifically how does OPC relate to different attributes and tactical setup. Something that is not DIRECTLY explained by FM. Why does he need to release these findings to SI? He isn't even saying anything is BROKEN! He is just saying this is how different systems work and effect each other in FM from my testing. He also lays out his testing and his saves for you to see and test yourself... If SI care so much they have access to the save files in the description of the video! You claimed above to watch the video for all of 3 minutes. How can you be so sure his testing methods are so wrong? He uses "test" teams so he has a control group... and changes the attributes and other variables in relation to the control group. And tests it 100 times each. That is how you prove a hypothesis... Also notice randomly there is a very very strong pushback here against EBFM mostly only from a few people who already have a pretty cozy relationship with SI... It would seem to me like they do not like people out right testing their systems methodically and trying to explain how some aspects work that they would rather keep mysterious... It's a game, let people test it and put forth those findings how they want. But to say people "don't have a shred of integrity" for testing a hypothesis and releasing a video explaining their findings is a bit much. I personally really like what EBFM has done with his videos. I don't claim to think they are all 100% accurate, but I do appreciate someone at least TRYING to understand how some of the lesser explained systems in this game work. Even if SI doesn't.
  12. I am sorry but FM24 could be the most incomplete version release to date. And the fact that Miles will not even address the poor state that the game was released in tells me they do not consider it an issue or really see how bad of a release this has been. The biggest joke is the promise of this being "the most complete" FM. First off - they announce the J league as a HEADLINE FEATURE and its not ready for use ON RELEASE DAY! What the hell? 2nd - they announce better AI squad building as a FEATURE... only for it to be worse than last year! Opposition managers barely make subs! The saddest part is the only reason this is even a headline feature is that AI squad building as been terrible and neglected for years. Get 5 years into the future and the teams squad management are actually a joke. Dropping 100 million on a player for them to start 4 games and have 6 sub appearances all season. And to be sold for 45 million a year later. What a disappointment this year has been. Just look at the issues that were only fixed A WEEK AFTER FULL RELEASE! The game already had an ALPHA and a BETA and they still couldn't release the game in a state without major gameplay issues that needed fixing. - Goalie injuries needed fixing as it was almost unplayable with how frequent injuries were - Literally could not add a new nation or league mid season or it would break your save file - A lot of contract clauses were duplicated - All squad becoming unhappy at CB squad depth no matter how many CB's you had - Ridiculous determination attribute increase after having a captain welcome a new player The worst part is that we are now almost a month after release and there are still issues not fixed. - AI managers still make minimal subs. This also seems to be affecting young player growth in the future but I need to test it more. - La Liga is busted. AI managers will only register like 15 players in their squad regularly, I think this is related to the salary cap. I have made a profit of over 800 million for the past few years according to FFP but my salary cap moves up like 100k a year. Even worse when when being promoted to La Liga from the second division. I make huge profits of 10's of millions a year but my salary cap is almost the same as it was in the 2nd division, maybe going up a few thousand. This was also an issue in FM23! SMH.... - How many goals are scored a game... its actually ridiculous at the moment most games have like 5 goals on average I just don't understand how the game has barely changed from years previously and is still in this condition.... If it was SI's first time releasing a football management game I'd understand... This game is pretty much a re skin of FM23 with match engine improvements... A new league being added was a HEADLINE feature cause they had no other features to announce... and guess what...it wasn't even implemented as they said it would and they had to adjust their advertising language. Please do better SI. And really address how this version is one of the most incomplete releases on release day in years.
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