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Genésio Nunes

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Posts posted by Genésio Nunes

  1. 2 horas atrás, ejleal disse:

    This is my attempt. I've tried to maintain your tactic as much as possible, only making some changes. Since your problem are the fast strikers, i've put the line of engagement to normal, removed prevent short GK distribution e put the pressure on max.

    The logic is to reduce the space between the lines and put more pressure on the players with the ball in that area, trying to stop as much as possible through balls to their strikers. Besides that i've only changed the duty of the CM to CM (De) to bring a little more defensive solidity.



    The results:







    First of all: great skin! 


    I like yout changes too... And glad to see that xG to crystal palace is big to you too. We can reduce sometimes, and eventually get some wins, but in all examples bringed here CP have socred some goals, and had a high xG, despite the instructions and formations.


    Obrigado pela disposição em ajudar!

  2. above is EXACTALLY what I'm trying to avoid. i'm seeing this at least 5 times per game.

    loose pressing, and trough ball. 


    "you only have to to X, Y and Z". ok, do it, get the result, and show here to us what you do, and how the game happened.



    2 horas atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Okay quick and easy fixes are:

    • Swap your double pivot in CM Strada to DLP(s) BWM (D)
    • Tell your FBs to run wide with the ball, or switch them to wingbacks. At least one of them should be given more license to go forward
    • Play with at least one BPD 
    • Give your 10 licensee to roam, move to support role
    • Stick one of your wingers on attack
    • Use Isak

    Ok, do it and show us, like knap have done. It's very easy point a lot of tweks, based on theory, without showing it working... I really dont wanna seems aggressive, is not the intention. But the idea is something like knap done...


    edit: like the idea of the FB's running with the ball, but Burn and Trippier are always loosing the ball... 


    2 horas atrás, knap disse:

    Used 424 and PEP 3241 both P&P


    greeeeat results! the first one rests a little defensive suffering, but the other side was great!


    the second one you have smashed them. this line of 4 players at AM strata help me a lot in adding pressure to the Crystal Palace defenders...

    Actually the big problem I have at this game is the following: forward dont make press, defensive line very high (even with much lower and defensive mentality), no pressure at leftbacks and midfielders, and then a through ball to zaha/edoard.

    With the 4 players ate AM strata i got a better pressure structure, wich was confirmed by your second result... thank you!

  3. 6 minutos atrás, Cloud9 disse:

    Just took a quick look, don't quite understand what you're looking for.

    Are you trying to set up a tactic for Newcastle Untied? Or handicap yourself with a tactic that you intentionally don't like (ie a challenge).

    Your biggest problem is don't have any holding midfielders, and are playing your double pivot in the CM Strada with an AP, that doesn't offer the ability to win the ball back. No one is providing width, so you'll struggle to score goals.

    Also everyone on your bench has 0 match practice, so your unable to make subs capable of having a positive impact.

    If you think the problem is that your defenders are slow, and their attackers are fast, drop your defensive line back to standard.

    Hello, Cloud9! I'd like to see, not only the theory, but see how you and other lads make what you said to happen.

    Example: You do what you said at your reply, play this game against Crystal Palace, and show us why you give the tips above, and how it is reflects at the game. 

  4. Em 30/04/2020 em 11:10, Experienced Defender disse:

    The defensive line setting defines how high (or deep) your back-line will look to position themselves while you are in possession. Once you lose possession, they will look to adapt their positions and movement as best as they can to prevent the potential threat from an opposition counter-attack. So if you play with a higher DL, your defenders will potentially have to cover a greater distance to deal with danger in case of an opposition ball over the top. That's why attributes such as speed, anticipation, concentration and decisions matter more when you play on a higher line. 

    Don't know if this answer is relative to FM20, but we have this description at FM21:




    So, how is possible to say Defensive Line is relative to our possession, and not the opposite?

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