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Hurin, Papa of Turin

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Everything posted by Hurin, Papa of Turin

  1. Love the osmosis idea, already implemented in mentoring but would love to see roles have the same effect. My preference is for trait intensity to be a multiplier rather than a 1-20 system because it offers more flexibility. If I want a player to take 10 bicycle kicks a season i can set the multiplier high enough to make that happen. With a 1-20 system, it's hard to know what 20 means. If my character has a 20 in overhead kicks is he still only going to take a bicycle kick a few times a season, maybe less? The multiplier would put more power in the hands of the player.
  2. Right now, traits are binary: either you have them or you don't. The idea would be to change traits to be a float variable making the intensity of the traits impacts dynamic. Traits would still have a baseline of 1 or 0, but users could edit the intensity of a trait on a player with the in-game editor. For instance, if a player wanted Messi to attempt dribbles as frequently as he did in his prime, they could increase the trait intensity for Runs With Ball Often or Beats Opponent Repeatedly, to 3 or 4 - tripling or quadrupling the traits impact. Or if they wanted a more minimal impact they could increase it to 1.5 (multiplying the traits impact on Messi's proclivities in game by 1.5). I think this would really enhance the variability of play and offer opportunities for players attempting a more immersive experience as they could alter players to exhibit tendencies more similar to their real life counterparts. It would also allow for more interesting new gens, who could spawn in or potentially develop higher intensity traits that would enhance the variability of the game. Finally, it might make some fun but otherwise useless traits more viable, like Tries Overhead Kicks, which typically only happens about once every other season for a player with the trait. Would love to hear folks thoughts on this change.
  3. Definitely think it merits looking into. It is definitely one of the ways FM differs from real world football, and I prefer the game to reflect the real world as much as possible.
  4. Bummer, if attributes can't do it, could there be custom traits available in the in-game editor that would achieve the same effect? Maybe the editor could allow you to create your own custom traits that could increase a player's impact significantly. (My understanding is that some traits like "curls ball" can actually enhance the player's abilities, so something like that).
  5. Have you ever wanted it to be possible for a player to score freekicks with the ease of Juninho? Have you ever wished prime Leo Messi was able to reach the heights he actually did in the real world rather than being limited by the attribute caps assigned in game? I think it would be a great change for FM to add an option in the in-game editor to uncap attributes and ability to go above 20 and 200 respectively. It may be worth setting a new cap (say 25 or 30) if that would prevent some buggy behavior in game, but the idea would be to make the game more immersive in providing a more realistic upper limit to attributes so that we could see some things in game like we see in the real world (e.g. Juninho scoring over 10 free kicks in a single season). Unfortunately, even with perfect attributes, no player could ever achieve such a feat in game. I understand that uncapping attributes or changing the attribute cap might not appeal to all players, so putting it in as a toggleable part of the in-game editor seems like a reasonable way to allow different people to play the game in their own way. Let me know what you think!
  6. Would love this. As of now it's so rare to see a player makes a serious attempt to dribble multiple opponents and score, no matter there traits or ability level.
  7. I believe it would improve the game to tie attributes to specific real world metrics (see examples below). 1. Instead of the game saying you have 15 pace it says your max sprint speed is 22mph; 2. Instead of a finishing rating of "16" the game tells you have an average shot speed of 40 mph and an average accuracy error of 3ft from your intended target. This may not be perfectly possible with some attributes, particularly mental ones, but even these obviously have real underlying code in the game that they effect, so it shouldn't be impossible for the game to tell you exactly what "14" composure means in a measurable way. I also think that it would then be wise to tie these attributes to the ranges of real world performance. For instance, I don't believe Juninho's free kick conversion rate is possible to replicate in FM, so it would be cool to modify the maximum (and minimum) levels of attributes to properly reflect what is possible and help maintain an appropriate suspension of disbelief, which I understand is one of the core design principles of the game. Let me know what you think, would you modify this in any way? Is there a reason this would backfire?
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