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Everything posted by prodjgalaxyp

  1. Hi guys I want to create 3-2 build up shape with HB drop as a 3rd center back, CWB holding width and 2 CM being double pivot. So my questions is, Are there any CM role that drop down from CM to DM when in possesion? If not, what role or PI that i should use to make my CM similar to what I want. Thank you guys in advance.
  2. Hi there! Recently, I read a lot of tactics discussion and I saw some advice saying try not to mirror the tactics (eg. IF and WB on both flanks) because its easy to defend and there is no variety in attacking play. So I wanna know, What are the advantage and disadvantage of mirror tactics. (except from those two mention above) Many Thanks!
  3. try Mez(at) and Cm(at) on CM spots, Dm (su) and pair of IWB(su) This add a little bit of freedom movement to player therefore more passing lanes and both CM on attack duty make a room for DM and IWB to progress the ball too. It works well for me and create a 2-3-2-3 shape.
  4. Hi, I have a question. I'm play with 4-2-3-1 dm wide and recently I notice that the area that have been exposed is MC area (that no one is covered). So I decided to move one of my DM to the MC spot and the problem is solved but than I think Has anyone try asymetric double pivot that place defend duty player higher than support duty player? Is it work? what was it like when playing with others team? For example: DLP(de) in MCR and DM/BWM(s) in DMCL
  5. Training Question: Should I remove player trait that controvesry with their role even they have abilitie suit that trait (eg. Kulusevski has a come deep to get ball but I prefer him to play at IF which come along with get further forward the opposite come deep. Many thanks for the answer!
  6. I think WBS will stay wide mate. Its only stay in the same line w/DM but not went to DM position.
  7. I've been a fan of 3-4-2-1 since it provide box structure in posssesion like City's. also, I like your philosophy as well and want to replicate it but the only problem is I choose to manage Tottenham and the CF (yes, he is not transfer yet) is Kane w/ PPM come deep to get ball. so,my question is how should i create a 3-4-2-1 that have a CF w/ come deep PPM (actually Kulu got it too).
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