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Everything posted by AlexMort05

  1. I got a question about the editor duplicating data; The last few weeks, I've been editing Nik33's agents and media files for my and surrounding countries to make them even more accurate, resulting in hundreds of changes and additions in media sources, journalists, agents etc. (even made face and logo packs for f's sake) A few days ago, some images in the pack I made somehow got corrupted (the Windows 10 file explorer issue) but the hard drive eventually scanned and fixed itself and everything seemed hunky-dory again... So after that scare I thought I'd finally actually open and play the FM game again to see what minor things I'd still need to change and enjoy the spare-time work I'd put in previously... Then I noticed several things that can't be edited in-game got duplicated... Most notably linked media sources and media types, and occasionally even players in an agent's client list... despite said players and media sources having only one ID, they show up twice or sometimes even three times. I checked the editor and a lot of links in media and agents did indeed get duplicated, and not only in the recent additions I made, but the original downloaded mod files have duplicates now too. for example (in case I'm not being clear) a podcast called bam that I defined as a podcast/social media and linked to a certain newspaper (let's call that newspaper bnews) will have the following info if you click on it in-game or in the editor; podcast/social media/social media/podcast/podcast/podcast and 3 bnews names and links under 'linked media' that all lead to the same media page. This is incredibly frustrating and of course defeats the increased sense of realism I was going for then we had aforementioned duplicate player links under agents as well. My question is thus (and I'm dreading asking this) is there a way to somehow remove these now thousands of duplicates or somehow get the game or editor to recognise these duplicate links or inputs as one? Or is my worst fear here going to come true and will I have to either go through every media source to check or else redownload the original mods and start weeks worth of additions and editing all over?...
  2. Thanks for the detailed answer! I did not create the award myself but do use a real-name fix and increased realism pack both of which recently got updates so I think something went wrong there then. And now I know where the problem is. Thanks again.
  3. Hi, could anyone help me with this? I've opened up FM for the first time since the final update, and every save encounters the same problem: some award names go missing after a while (see pictures) Anyone else have this happen and know how to solve it? I do have Artmoney but am inept at using it, I only use it to add pics to intermediaries, pa's, plo's, etc. I'm assuming there should be a way to solve this problem with that program, change the names of the missing awards somehow, but I have no idea how. If anyone knows how to do that and could share that could also be handy.
  4. Did anyone find an answer to this yet? My fm just started doing this. Always the same awards around the same time of the year just disappear. In the e-mail announcing award-winners the title of the award appears but not in said e-mail's title or the awards menu just like the picture^?? I'm a stickler for realism so I have Artmoney to find Intermediaries', personal assistant's, etc. IDs to insert pics for them. I'm sure I should be able to use that program to fix this somehow but I have no idea how. If there's no fix for the name bug could someone tell me how to edit the blank spaces where the award names used to be with ArtMoney?
  5. Hi, The editor should be able to change these things for a few simple but unfortunate reasons; 1: Awards: Some leagues have awards for years and not seasons, meaning in some leagues you start and two months later there are awards for the full year that don't go to logical winners, sometimes even a player that has just been transferred (even more illogical if you're playing real world) and it's annoying to micromanage that if you're a sucker for realism as some of us are. There are clearly links to players in these award emails, notifications, history, so why can't these simply be edited? Inferior sports simulation games have this option, so it's ludicrous the fm editor doesn't. If you can just edit the nominees when you get the email notifications that'd already be something... 2: History: There are some problems with a player's club history when clubs have B-teams, most notably if they even trained with the reserves. That B-club will then always appear on the player's history/career stats page/profile with a 0 games played for said B-team. That can be annoying as hell when reviewing a player's journey. Being able to edit a player's club history should fix this. Plus, sometimes when a player signs a new contract being a player/coach, when they transition to full-time staff their history shows them playing for the same team twice as a player in their career. (again...could simply be edited if we had access to their club history and maybe even roles and stats)
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