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19 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  • Favourite Team
    Bury / Rangers

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  1. I have had a lot of injuries to goalkeepers. Just finished season 1 and i think i have had around 15 injuries between my 1st choice and 2nd choice goalkeepers. Thought i was just being unlucky.
  2. There are so many Greggs around where i live. Like what i feel is a silly amount, not that i'm complaining.
  3. Yeah i love managing Triestina. Ended up managing them on FM08 (i think) during a journeyman save and loved it so also pop back and manage them again. Yeah i undertand, going in to a save knowing it is only for a couple of weeks ruins it for me. Fully intend to continue Bilbao in to the main game if i'm enjoying it. Any tips on managing Bilbao?
  4. I have managed Triestina in Italy a few times overs the years and really enjoyed it. Was my final save on FM23 and had a really good time with it. Going to start with Bilbao in the beta (never been them before) to test the Basque rule waters. Then decide from there if i carry on in to main game or start an unemployed save whilst i wait for the tier 10 db when i try and take Bury back to the EFL (and hopefully beyond)
  5. To be fair he makes some good points. Time to ramp up my excitement levels or will it all end in disappointment?
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