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Everything posted by ds_61_1

  1. I'm always bemused by this when it comes up. How would you introduce that? Real Difficult, Really Difficult (with added realism), Reallly Real Difficult (we mean it this time).
  2. Do you have any tips for away games. I'm finding your tactic is working wonder at home. I'm unbeaten in a season and a half using your tactic but away It doesn't matter what I do. I just can't buy a win for love nor money.
  3. On the back of a defeat to Ason Villa who are 2nd with us (Liverpool in first). Nunez had a pretty bad game and has been in poor form for the last 3/4 matches. I pulled him up on it and he agrees he's not been playing well. The options after do not make much sense so I went with the neutral "I think we're done here" and now he's playing hell and wanting to leave because he says he can't back down. Back down from what? Agreeing that I said he was playing poorly?
  4. They do because somtimes it can ruin a save just as much as a bad match engine.
  5. How do you combat this? I tried giving individual shouts to demand more and fire them up but they just continue to react badly. Is there something I'm missing?
  6. I'm in my second season with Liverpool. I've got to a point where I have improved the squad and am looking to build up my youth squads. The issue is I hardly have any players in my U21's and U18's and can barely field a starting 11 especially in my U18's which only has 9 players in it. Is there a solution to building both squads up. Obviously I don't expect a team full of Wunderkids but I left the responsibilites to my staff and they've almost decimated them to the point they can't field a full team. Is there someway I can counter this? I don't want to have to micromange all three teams but I also don't want empty youth squads.
  7. Would it be possible to add an option to set a minimum rating before a warning sets in. Say a few players get a 6.2 or 6.3 in a match. Could we have a staff member award them an automatic warning?
  8. Ahh maybe it is just a bad season then and I've misunderstood. Sorry about that.
  9. Playing as Liverpool in Real World Mode. I'm in the second season after 12 games Spurs are bottom. At first I thought they might just be having a bad run of form. But upon looking closer it seems they haven't registered a full squad for the season. I've uploaded the save file and screenshots of table and their team.
  10. In my Liverpool save. Alisson got injured for 8 weeks. Kelleher is obviously mu back up keeper and as such I've played him for the last 6 weeks. He's now unhappy about wanting a new contract to match his actual playing time and requesting 175k a week. This would blow a hole in my budget and there's no way I need two keepers on that much. I told him we can't afford to give him that much and now hes playing merry hell and causing rifts in the team. Could we have an option to explain to players that they are needed to step up in light of injuries, especially reserve keepers.
  11. As with the Jordan Henderson issue. After saving my game and reloading Salah is now unavailable and correctly not able to be selected. very weird.
  12. Just to add this. The issue has now rectified itself. Hendo was still showing on my capitans list in the tactics menu. I removed him, saved and reloaded and the issue had fixed itself.
  13. Playing as Liverpool in Real World Mode. Mo Salah went on International duty but I am able to pick him for any and all matches. When continuing the game it says he is away on international duty but there in no indication that he actually is and continues to be available. I have uploaded my save file. Just after a match in which he played.
  14. Just to add. in the press conference immediately after they asked questions about his debut for Liverpool. So maybe something in the transfers has gone wrong.
  15. Having the same issue. Have uploaded my game to the 'owncloud' file is named 'Liverpool- bugged Hendo.fm' Henderson left prior to the Testamonial game. Was then able to use him in the following matches.
  16. Type: Desktop Model: N/A CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 5 4500 6 core CPU Base Frequency: CPU Turbo Frequency: RAM: 16GB RAM Clockspeed: 1333Mhz GPU: GeForce RTX 3050 Graphics Level in 3D: High Benchmark 1 FM24: 01 min 05 Sec Benchmark 2 FM24: 02 min 49 Sec Benchmark 3 FM24: 05 min 58 Sec Benchmark 4 FM24: 25 min 30 Sec
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