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Everything posted by Dadecane

  1. No doubt. And u do have that right. U can extend it without his need to “agree”. And most of the time u can extend with 0 consequence. But if u wanna talk about “realism”, u should be on a day to day basis with your players, you should KNOW hes not happy with that deal at the moment, and that if u extend him he may have a word about it. In theory theres nothing he can do, but he CAN come up to u and A) demand a better deal or B) tell u he wants to be sold (turn in transfer request) or C) tell u he wont renew now after the additional year. either way all realistic issues, that can be solved my making sure hes happy w his current deal before extending.
  2. Right but before extending did u talk to him, his agent, or see his happiness screen? Theyll usually let u know his not happy w that contract. Therefore extending is a no-no, youre adding a year to a contract he doesnt want. U can extend a young player or player who isnt looking for a payraise any time soon with almost 0 consequence. But if its a player whose on the verge of asking for a new and improved deal, and u extend it, it will upset him. Happened to me recently and seems totally realistic.
  3. U extended him on a deal he wasnt happy with. This isnt broken. Before ever “triggering extension clause” you need to ask the player/agent if he wants to renew. Or if hes looking for better terms, etc. i recently triggered extension on a player who had 0 interest in staying w us. Well, he got upset. And I had to sell him to the first 1m (agreed w him) offer I got for him. theres nothing broken w that.
  4. Its true that the game can be as hard as u wanna make it. my favorite club is fc barcelona yet never ever in all my years of playing have I ever done a barcelona save. Not even when I was a newbie completely lost. I always look to bring up my small town club, or a historic club who now sucks, stuff like that. im sure if I ran to pick srsenal, city or barcelona every yr id think it was easier. But whats the fun in that.
  5. I would of won more w them yeah, but I joined them deep into my save in fm22, I always start in ibiza (my hometown) and stick around until I get bored. That year, just before fm23 came out, I joined betis and in my 2nd yr w them made Europa semis, won copa, finished 3rd in liga and clinched ucl. Think I abandoned that save shortly after. In all my seasons combined, most of them w ibiza in 3rd div and la liga 2, ive only won 2 titles, la liga 2 once and 3rd div just this week on fm24 (season 2).
  6. I have been playing for 3-4 yrs, over 600+ hours in each edition and have only ever won 3 titles. Lol La Liga 2 - Ibiza on FM22 Primera rfef (spanish 3rd div) - Ibiza on FM24 copa del rey - betis on fm22 betis is the biggest club ive ever coached on FM
  7. I have no idea how ive logged in 100+ hours of amazing fun time since the early access with everything I read on here. It makes me wonder if I have the wrong game. 😂
  8. My first season I was picked to finish 1st in spanish third division, I finished 3rd. my second season picked to finish 1st, and I did. both those seasons I played in a club IRL favored to win that division, this year. I didnt do it til year 2. currently in yr 3, I have changed clubs, I am now in La Liga 2, and was picked to finish 14th. I am currently 11th but only 3 pts seperate 7th place and 17th. So I could be anywhere from fighting in a promotion playoffs or a relegation battle. do I think the game is easy? No I dont. I micromanage every single thing and delegate nothing, and I still struggle vs any team as good as me or better. Is it gettin easier than say fm22 was? Yeah it does feel that way. But fm22 was my first ever fm, so its me whose gotten much better than the game has gotten easier. either way the game MAY be easier than other editions, maybe. To say the game is completely broken is 100% absurd. If some of the recognized “bugs” like squad building and rotation are fixed, the difficulty would be greater as well I think.
  9. Yeah for sure thats a big issue. Like I said def not happening in my save, just thru all 42 teams in first and second division. They have all their players registered minus some u23 youngins.
  10. In my 3rd season in spain now and so far have not hadn this issue at all.
  11. Is it because the game is easier tho? Or because its attracting less new fans and therefore its just more and more of us who have been playing for yrs and know every trick in the book. im pretty confident if I showed this game to any football fan friend who has never played, it would be a few months before he either A) gets the results he wants or B) actually enjoys the game.
  12. Gotcha. I saw that someone said by shortlisting them u can keep up with their form game to game, but u can see that anyway long as the player is scouted right? Thought I was missing something by not shortlisting players. to answer the op then; I barely if ever use them. Only during a window at the exact moment and time that im ready to make an offer/signing, I put the 3-4 players I want on the shortlist to do a thorough comparison of all of them and rank them based on priority 1 being the guy I most want and will make an offer to now, 2 being the next guy I’ll offer if 1 doesnt come through. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  13. Sorry to sound dumb but what effect does putting a player on the shortlist actually have? As opposed to not having anyone shortlisted and just browsing thru your scouted player search when u wanna sign someone
  14. Yeah every season players leave clubs, or chose to not renew, due to being offered more playing time elsewhere. How is that an issue idk. Recurring theme in this thread (apart from also pointing out real issues).
  15. Lol. Exactly, same thing came to mind. Wonder if theres any correlation between… “genpress is OP!! This game is too essy!” and ”this is unplayable! I have 7 first teamers injured! I quit!”
  16. Yeah I second this. my striker in 3rd division had 20 goals first season. Strikers have been my leading scorer in all of my 3 seasons so far.
  17. I personally think the goal thing is overstated as well, possibly a bit high yes but I prefer that to it being a bit low. i just took a new job in my third season and im into my 4th game without a goal lol. Three 1-0 losses and one 0-0 tie. im not saying im not saying a lot of 4-3’s around the league yes I see it, but for every 4-3 I also see tons of weeks where nobody scores more than 2. i prefer they fix the squad building and rotation and the player interactions before touching the goals per game. just my 0,02€
  18. Into my 3rd season, first at my new club. First 3 results lost 0-1 lost 0-1 tied 0-0 i play gen gen press 🤷🏽‍♂️ 😅
  19. Its normal to struggle early on in a new job, u need to find a way to grind out results, the wins will come. Dont let up. i had a save in fm22 where I started in Ibiza, got hired by Villareal, took the chance at a bigger gig so excited, my god I couldnt get that villareal side to win a game for the life of me, I got fired in 4 months. It bugged the hell out of me. Thankfully, Real Betis was struggling at the time, Fired pellegrini and hired me. Betis, and its players, fit me like a glove from the get. I immediately finished top 6, went to europa league where we lost in semis the next season, and Finished 3rd that year making UCL. im confident I woulda straightened things out at Villareal, but I was never able to survive the initial slump and that was it. keep your head up
  20. I would imagine if they “fix” throwins and set pieces (second change goals) that alone would bring the goal tally down quite a bit thru the course of a season
  21. Ok so high scoring games, gk injuries, and ai squad rotation specially its effects long term. 3 known issues. crazy, based on this thread id think there was 100 bugs and the game is completely unplayable. clearly my point went over your head. Have a good day, and enjoy the coming updates, as im sure we all will! 👍🏽 edit: oh and “player interactions”.
  22. Nah, not at all. Theres some issues, if u read my first post if anything im wondering why I havnt seen them, not that they dont exist. Early on in my save I did have like a pile up of gk injuries. But then idk, its gone, havnt seen it again in 2 seasons. What im saying is its hard to figure out whats a real bug and what isnt when people are posting stuff based on what they saw “10 mins into my save!” Thats crazy.
  23. Miles and the SI team have admitted about 2-3 common issues everyone, or almost everyone, seems to be getting. They have not said nothing about the other 50+ that people on here are randomly throwing about. You literally have people complaining and quitting after one game because the score was 4-3, sorry but one game being 4-3 doesnt mean every game is, hard to take that serious. My current save, this week, every game was 1-0 or 2-1. 🤷🏽‍♂️ teams are scoring right about what they score IRL someone ran the test and its about 0,3 more goals in fm24 per game. as for “others” who go deep, youre talking to him now. I micromanage everything, I delegate nothing, I started my save with early access, and im in season 3 now. I was favorited to win the division my first season, and I did not, so it wasnt easy, I just won it in year 2, and now im starting year 3. Im seeing no gk injuries, im having no interaction issues, even tho these are issues that apparently do “exist”. So again all im saying is lets quit the hyperbole of “omg ive only played one game and this is broken!” LOL. cant take that serious. and yes lets hope its all fixed for xmas.
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