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Everything posted by Dadecane

  1. I wonder if some of these bugs ar actual bugs or isolated incidents. Some of you are complaining about stuff that seems to be happening to nobody else. Also, I wonder if the coach badges/reputation in correlation to the type of club/players you coach has anything to do w the interactions and “losing” the locker room. im coaching in spanish 3rd division, but my coach has all licenses and badges and I put that I was an international level player, so basically I am “overqualified” for my job, and so I havnt had not one single bad interaction with a player not one player complain about playing time or depth nothing. Im going into my 3rd season now, and interactions are as smooth as ever, repetitive sometimes sure, but zero drama. Im wondering if I move to a top liga or epl teams will I start seeing these issues? So far; in a little league team w a big league coach; zero issues. also the only one problem I was getting early on (and I came here crying like most of you) was that first half of my first season, my top 2 gk’s both got hurt. But im in season 3 now, and not one of my gk’s has gotten hurt again since then. I would suggest we let our saves play at least ONE FULL SEASON before u come here crying and saying outlandish ****. I read a post a few days ago that said “im done! So im 10 mins into my first save, first game of the preseason amd so and so happened! Im done!” LOL wtf? Anything in the world is under the realm of possibilities of what could happen in ONE day, ONE game, lets not go crazy here. clearly the game has some issues and bugs, but its not easy when some of us are exagerating them, some are really getting them and sharing pkm and updating saves, and some arent getting them at all and are enjoying a very very polished FM. we all want the game to be fixed, lets help SI and not drive hyperbole.
  2. Forget what hes worth in real life. Its a video game, hes a relatively unknown in real life. so in s video game u went and paid 16m por a player valued at no more than 10m, and now youre mad cuz teams wont offer more…the 10 hes worth? looks like bad management, nothing wrong w the game, you made a terrible signing and way overpaid.
  3. Same for me. Going into season 3 now, just got promotion to La Liga 2 and better clubs are offering me interviews. Impossible to start over right now haha.
  4. Still show the FM23 logo? Lol. mine has read FM23 since I download the early access. No big deal just thought it weird. I thought maybe it would change with the general release but still shows FM23 desktop icon haha. The text under it reads Football Manager 2024, but the icon is a 23 😂 end rant
  5. Yeah for sure, they naturally start taking less risks, playing more conservative etc. if u add to that an actual instruction to “sit back defend, let them have the ball” it means youre gonna concede. Specially if theres a whole half of football left. rule of thumb: only play to defend a lead if youre a small small underdog team, or if its last 10 mins of the game. Thats it. Otherwise, keep doing what youre doing and the game probably runs its course with no more goals, or u each score one more thats it. Minute 80; defense and time waste.
  6. I dont know tho. Most games IRL where a team takes a 2-0, 3-0 lead and goes defensive too early in the game, it usually results in a comeback. Underdog teams suffer from this often, they go defensive too early and panic. look at it this way; if youre up 3-0 it means youre being fairly dominant, due to the score the other team is likely to go attack, if u sit back and defend youre allowing them to make it 3-1, maybe 3-2, and get in trouble. But if you keep attacking them, they may get 1 on you, but due to pushing up desperately, youll have spaces and probably score again too. Before you know it its 4-1, late in the game, thats when u time waste and go defensive 😉 just my advice; usually works for me
  7. Not happening to me at all. Taking a 3-0 lead and going defensive (when youre naturally a positive team) and wasting time is a recipe for disaster brother. Sounds like a tactics issue. if im up 3-0 first half, I dont change nothing, keep the foot on their necks they’re obviously not reacting well to that. I only “time waste” with a lead in the 85’ and if I go “defensive” it means I go balanced. Nothing else.
  8. If you rip into them for a bad performance, do they overreact? How does their reaction ingame compare to real life, dad? Lets see how truly immersive SI is! 😃
  9. Since the release of the game have u had any major lineup changes, tactic changes, position/role changes, have any players been disgruntled, are all of tjem training well, whats their fatigue and injury load, what point of the season are u in, most teams tend to wear out late in the season if u play agressive all season long. theres about a million possible scenarios for you possibly simply going thru a “slump” lol
  10. “PLANS FOR FOOTBALL MANAGER 24? Everything continues in the same rhythm. The first ALPHA for FM24 is scheduled for 10 November “ brace yourselves. Its coming.
  11. Kubo a japanese keeper from sociedad? Whut? take kubo is a top 5 player in liga lol, he’s a AMC
  12. You must not of Gary “The Pitbull” Medel. 2-time Copa America winner and Europa League winner at CB. No more than 5’6
  13. Lol u have to transfer list them, it def does help the cause. But its not the end all. id say I get the “there are no offers” about 40% of the time when using intermediary, and its fair; I use them to offload players who are old, bad quality, etc nobody wants them. But about 60% of the time they get me offers 👍🏽
  14. No. Sometimes they simply directly tell u theres no interest and thats it. No offers. Theyre not miracle workers. Other times, they will present u with potential offers like the screenshot u showed. 👍🏽
  15. This is the biggest issue w the game today for me. Seeing this 7 times a game is absurd. yes, biggest issue. i am having 0 injury bug 0 communication bugs 0 AI squad building/subs bugs. not sure what game people are playing honestly, fm24 is def the best version yet.
  16. My first ever experience with FM, about 5 yrs ago, was with Las Palmas B. My god I almost tore my hair off, what pain of an experience. I dont know how the game got me hooked lol. to answer your question; havnt managed a B side since then lol
  17. Yeah, I have to admit I have not been riddled by bugs like others claim to have been. Have had no issues with communication, player morale, revolts, etc. but in my first season I did raise my eyebrows at 2 things: my starting gk went out for 2 months, and then 6 weeks, its ok, totally realistic but since many mentioned a gk injury bug I kept my eyes on it. Also the amount of goals scored; I broke the single record for goals in a game twice in year 1. And every game seemed to be a 4-3, 6-4, 5-4, etc so I kept an eye on that tol now, 20 games into my second season; my starting gk, who is 34 yrs old, has started every game and has had 0 injuries. Only my backup suffered an injury, for 2 weeks. And the goals are much more normal now. I just won my last 2 games 3-1, because im 1st place and played some lower ranked teams, but before that I think I had 18 goals in 16 games, as the first place team. Looking around my league, much more 0-1’s, 2-1’s this season.
  18. There was a 4-3, or 6-4 every week in my first season. None at all now, 20 games into season 2. I think we have to play the game out and make these claims over longer saves jmo.
  19. Kinda happened in my first season yeah. But back to normal back in season 2. Almost every game is a 2-1 now.
  20. This is it pretty much for me I guess. I dont dismiss that people are having trouble with the communication, revolts, etc but for me ive never had these issues, not in any fm not now in 24. Ive always tried to remember what players like/hate what reaction and then repeat it or not repeat it accordingly and I have never ever had a player or team revolt on me 🤷🏽‍♂️ most ive had is players asking for transfers but because they wanna move on to “bigger clubs” from the small ones im usually at.
  21. Gotcha, well no u cant. Ive never seen that in any fm but granted I only started playing 5 yrs ago. you can do it when the media asks about him
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