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Everything posted by zeza

  1. I'm using the Scouting Report function from various teams' pages. Kinda boring to do team by team but I usually pick ~ 40-50 teams to ask for a report and the scouts take 2-3 days each, so it's a little bit better because all the players of said team are scouted slightly. But recruitment focuses are definitely broken.
  2. Another example (I'm RB Lepzig scouting GERMANY!) Found 1! player and NONE in Progress.
  3. Getting on and off of the game and still very frustated about the Recruitment Focuses issue. I can't seem to find new players using Focuses, can't find players of a specific position to replace someone that I sold because my scounts literally can't find A SINGLE player. Not a single good left-back available with 2* CA/ 3* PA. Hope that FM25 fixes that because I logged this glitch in DECEMBER and all the responses that we had were that our scouting parameters were too narrow.. No
  4. It's our fault that we want to find specific players! Scouting is broken and nothing can tell me otherwise.
  5. I only had the English package, so that's why it happened to only find English teams players'.
  6. That is weird. I didn't get those results, Zach. Maybe it's something to do with the Priority (Ongoing/Normal). I'm used to using the Ongoing priority to get a more constant influx of results instead of something that will eventually end and I'd have to reset. Can you tell me how much time you've waited for those results and if it had something to do with the priority that you've set up? This could be in my Direct Messages so that we don't spam this thread any longer! Thank you.
  7. Can we expect another patch/fix or update on this, @Zachary Whyte?
  8. Went a few days trying the game again, reinstalled it, tried to lower my standards even more and yeah, pretty disappointed about how they've handled this issue. I think there's a misunderstanding on how we expect scouting to work and how it works in-game at least in the 24' Version. In MY opinion we should have scouts providing an influx of players/knowledge about them regardless of their interest/price/if they are an improvement or not to our squad, that kind of decision should be up to us, not to the Algorithm behind scouting. So if I make a focus searching for 1 Silver Star CA/PA in Italy (for example), my scouts should scout every player that matches those requirements, regardless of their interest/price/quality because WE AS THE MANAGERS OF THE TEAM asked for that focus and the scouts SHOULD follow what we've set up. And I think @Zachary Whyte made a mistake when he said Transfer Interest was part of the process behind the player appearing or not to the Recommended tab, as we already have a filter on that, as some examples that we've set such as Endrick not appearing on a focus in this hypothetical world until he's 18, this is VERY unrealistic, as our scouts should have him scouted even though the game could say that he doesn't have interest but at least we know he exists and have a huge potential. I still hope that this thread is being followed by the devs as a lot of us are frustated about this, and I don't think this area of the game is working as intended, as @wazzaflow10 tested comparing to older versions of the game. I agree on that as well. If I have 25x 20/20 Scouts and 5x 1/1, the former should be better and get me more results and make my Scouting more specific and should return more results.
  9. I'm sorry if I'm passionate about this issue. I disagree with you. They stated in the patch notes that tweaks were made to scouting and a whole lot of other issues, so please, read the patch notes before saying that kind of stuff.
  10. I've sent the bug report in December, got a couple replies that our scouting wasn't broad enough, patch came out 3 months later and didn't fix the issue. LOL
  11. I've seen that and we had many replies after that, even a great post of @wazzaflow10 asking about how scouting works and we are still having trouble on this matter. It's honestly infuriating that Scouting is still broken, Zach. You understand that I've sent this glitch report in DECEMBER 2022 and we got 1 update about it that didn't fix it at ALL. SCOUTING IS BROKEN, WE DON'T GET ENOUGH SCOUTED PLAYERS, EVEN WITH VERY BROAD PARAMETERS This post basically summarizes my experience, even after the "fixes" in the last patch
  12. I have the same experience as you @garndogg. Doesn't make sense at all but yeah, let's wait on @Zachary Whyte to give us a feedback about it. I REALLY don't think they don't aknowledge that it's broken, but I don't believe that they know what's the issue as per Zach's prior responses.
  13. Should we open a new ticket regarding this? I don't know how it works but yeah, very disappointed of the lack of communications post-patch that was supposed to fix this.
  14. Players are still being stuck in the "In Progress" stage in my saves (new and old ones)
  15. It should appear in the Focus regardless of their interest. That's why we have a filter for it.
  16. No need to call out names, Jef. In my opinion if I put 0 stars (5 gray ones) it should return basically every player available in the area of my scouting range, that's why Recommendation Focuses exist, to make custom searches automatically. If I'm trying to find a 1 CA, 3 PA player, it should have a good pool of players being found. but somehow this year's game simply doesn't find the players at ALL. If I try to find a 5 grey star CA, 1 PA player, it should return 90% of the players of the database, but I can bet I won't get near 20 recs.
  17. Hey there Zach. Maybe the Ongoing priority is glitched then, because even with very wide parameters I can't find players, at all
  18. One month later, 1 recommendation.. None in progress. I've waited for 3 MONTHS for this to be fixed, heard almost nothing back from SI, only that it'd be some "tweaks" and the issue wasn't fixed. This is so disappointing.
  19. Yeah, I knew that would happen just based by Zachary's responses about the issue. I'm gone boys, won't keep playing as I've waited 3 months for a fix for such a simple thing but yeah. I'm sorry for the rant but unfortunately this is too much. I wish we had a response on this since Zachary's clearly didn't know what the issue is and the update reflects on that.
  20. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/579205-football-manager-2024-official-feedback-thread/?do=findComment&comment=14341275
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