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Everything posted by Coalescence2121

  1. You're so aggressive dude, always responding to everyone's posts with and contrarian and antagonising comments. Don't reply to me again because I won't be responding to you again.
  2. After playing for a good amount of time now, i can say that i haven't seen much improvement in AI rotation and development of youngsters. Considering SI again made a point to say it was improved, this is very disappointing that it's mostly the same old again.
  3. Just chiming in again to say that the number of corners is ABSURDLY higher than in real life. It's making games a real slog at times, which is a shame because the rest is mostly great. Also there's a bug with player search on the scouting screen. If i filter by nationality it works, but when i try to add in a position filter it shows players from all nationalities as if the nationality filter wasn't checked. The other four players in my network save report the same.
  4. The match engine is a big improvement in the 11 games i've played so far. Teams get into defensive shape really nicely, there's nice attacking runs and the ball physics are great. However, the amount of corners is absurdly high. I'm getting 15-25 in games routinely and it's making them quite boring to watch. The same issue as last year is also still present where the AI will often score their first and only shot on goal an unusually high percentage of the time. In 6 of the 10 games this has happened to me, and it's happened to the people in the same network save 4,4,5 and 6 times, and we've had the AI score with their first two shots on 4 separate occasions. This is beyond frustrating because watching the goals there never seems to be any reason for them aside from the engine deciding that you can't have a clean sheet. But overall, brilliant update so far. Some tweaks will make this really great.
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