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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Sometimes when negotiations break down due to the agent being greedy or unwilling to let the player be signed, the player actually sacks their agent when they're particularly interested in signing for your club. Which is why it's always a good idea to show interest in a player before you're signing them, if the player is very keen on signing you can use this to your advantage. A player without an agent is much more likely to accept bad contracts.
  2. Eh, no. A serious suggestion would be to let managers use their own savings to purchase players from other clubs, after all that happens in real life from time to time. However, with clauses, such as when a player is sold they get to keep the profit for themselves, since they paid for them. This could be lucrative if a poor club manage to snatch up a wealthy manager, of course this should also be defined by the manager's personality as far as the AI is concerned.
  3. Looking through the forums this seems to be an issue that's existed since FM23 Beta and have yet to be fixed. People seemed to have encounter this issue when reloading saves as well.
  4. You can also mess it up by switching players between the Senior, Reserve or Youth team. Unfortunately, this is still present in FM24 Beta. I hope it gets fixed, because it's unusable as it stands. Couple this with the severe performance hit it takes when you create massive shortlists and it instantly turns into a wasted feature.
  5. Whenever I move players around between the Senior, Reserve or the Youth team the Squad Planner gets altered. This defeats the purpose of it since there is no point in making any plans if they're constantly changed by outside factors. If this is intended, I highly suggest to add a lock option as to prevent this from happening. In the attached image you can see one of the positions that I have that is now populated with a lot of players, this was done without my consent as I originally had only 3 players in this particular position. Combine this with the other issue I found in the Squad Planner with regard to performance hit due to big shortlists and you can quickly see why this feature is currently not a great place to spend time in.
  6. I've noticed that the Squad Planner gets updated automatically whenever you move players around between the Senior, Reserve and Youth teams or sometimes gets populated for other reasons. I'd like at least an option to make it so the Squad Planner won't get automatically/dynamically altered, it's pretty annoying when you've made your plans inside the Squad Planner only to have it destroyed with auto population. It also defeats the purpose of changing it. No reason to make plans if those plans are constantly edited by outside factors.
  7. In the Squad Planner you can check the league average in all attributes under the Report -> Comparison section. I suggest this to be displayed on player screens when looking at their attributes either by putting it in between parenthesis behind the player's attribute or when hovering over the attribute. This is a quality of life improvement I think everyone would benefit from, it lets us easily distinguish if a player is below average, average or above average in regard to the position and league you're in when it comes to certain attributes. Currently we either have to remember the league average in every attribute, write them down or just eyeball it. I would prefer none of those options and instead have it readily accessible where it is needed the most, wherever a player's attributes are displayed. Be it on their own card, in comparison view etc.
  8. Too bad I can't resist playing in Sweden, otherwise I would've tried that challenge.
  9. I usually make big shortlists of players that I'm going to scout for end of contract, my shortlists may contain more than 2000 players. However, whenever I make these shortlists I've noticed that afterwards when trying to use the Squad Planner, it barely opens and trying to select different positions and alter it takes a long time. So even if the players on my shortlists aren't in the Squad Planner, it still becomes practically unusable. So I need to choose between having shortlists to find players or use to squad planner to plan the future of my club. During one save that I abandoned, the game even crashed when I tried to enter the Squad Planner. This was when I had an insanely big shortlist, but that save file no longer exist so I can unfortunately not provide it. However, I added the current save I'm experiencing this on attached to this post.
  10. This is already implemented as I stated in my previous post, no idea if you read all of it since it's quite lengthy. It works in the way that the more players you have at the club the more load is put on the coaches and the less quality they produce during training (at least in my observation), this is currently circumvented by putting trialists in either the Reserve team or the Youth team. Which should be forbidden, in my opinion. After all, you're trialling to find members for your main squad primarily or potential wonder kids. You want coaches to have Light load. None is when there are no players to train, Medium means quality is slightly reduced, Heavy means the quality is reduced and Very Heavy means it is severely reduced. You know you have coaching problems when players start to complain about the quality of training. If they complain and the loads are Light across the board, then the coaches skills are not up to standard for the league you're in.
  11. In the case that they decide to give the board a new function to limit the amount of trialists, I do hope they decide to only limit the number of trials and not account for players currently at the club. If you have a club that's at the capacity limit, that just means you can't trial anyone. Trials are also basically just guests visiting, so I don't think they should count. They just show up for some training sessions to display their skills but aren't part of the club and doesn't necessarily share the facilities either except the pitch. I have no experience on this however and have no idea how trialists are treated in real life, but I'd suspect they get to share some of the facilities. I'm used with having a ridiculous amount of trials, but I think the whole trial system should be remade. Currently they get "auto" scouted and I think this should be removed completely. Instead you can have a scout or coach dedicated to watching and assess trialists. Currently it's pretty unrealistic in the sense that I can have 500-1000+ trialists visiting the club and after 2 weeks they're fully scouted. It's just no way that would be even remotely possible in real life. Currently trials are "free scouting" so I think that should be altered severely, there shouldn't be such a thing as free scouting. Trialists however, do need to stay, they just need to come up with a more realistic way of scouting them, maybe a way to use coaches instead of scouts for scouting trialists, that way you don't have to dedicate one of your precious scouts to the task. It's basically how it is right now, but the coaches are way too OP in their scouting of the trialists as it currently stands. A way they can do this is to limit the amount of trialists at the club to 5~ per coach, or even better have the trial number dynamic depending on the skills of the coach but in that range. Maybe base it on People Management, Judgle Player Ability and Judge Player Potential somehow? Then you just add all your coaches together and their skills will dictate the limit of trialists the club can handle at one time. I also think that only assistant managers and standard coaches should count towards this limit and not the other ones, mainly because the other ones are specialized. Let's say you have an average assistant manager in the lower leagues with 10 people management, 10 judge player ability and 10 judge player potential, the math could then be for example: ((10 + 10 + 10) / 2) / 3 = 5 trialists Or if you had a world class assistant manager with 20s in those attributes then it would be: ((20 + 20 + 20) / 2) / 3 = 10 trialists And if you had an absolute garbage assistant manager with 1s: ((1 + 1 + 1) / 2) / 3 = 0.5 trialists (1 when rounded with another restriction that 1 is the minimum amount) Then you have the common one with different attributes: ((14 + 11 + 13) / 2) / 3 = 6.33 trialists (6 when rounded) Seems like pretty realistic numbers after all is said and done if they're to scout the trialists over the course of 2 weeks. A world class coach should be able to accurately assess about 10 players during this time, an average coach about 5 and a rookie coach about 1. They should also make it so you can't put trialists in the reserve team or youth team, that way they penalize the training, as they should. So this prevents us from circumventing that penalty. It also doesn't make sense to put them into these teams. As a final note on this, I do hope they make it so the AI also use trials after they've changed it, currently only the player does, which gives us a significant advantage in the scouting part of the game.
  12. Honestly, I don't think they're aware of this bug that you can have more than 30 trialists at the club, at least to me it seems to be the case since they do have an invite limit. I think the purpose for it was to actually limit all trialists at a club, which is the message you get by the board when you try and invite more, but they missed some variable so it only affects invites and not actual club limit. I'm sure that if they're made aware, they will most likely enforce the 30 trialist limit. I rather have them fix this bug than leave it as is, but how they go about doing that doesn't interest me, I'm confident I will be happy with the end result. Another way to view is that you don't actually pay for the trialists, their own club does or if they're frees then they pay for it themselves for a shot to get into a club. Being a trialist at a club means that the club doesn't know what you can do, so you're there to show your skills. That's why so many high end players refuse trials when you invite them because they believe you as a club should know what they're capable of and they're not interested in paying for their own hotel rooms or meals. That's why you scout these players instead of trial them. Erling Haaland for example wouldn't be trialled, he would be scouted.
  13. I guess it could, but it isn't part of the game as of now. Trialists costs nothing, unless they changed it in FM23 or FM24. Either they enforce the 30 limit to total trials at club instead of invites only, or they remove the invite limit. It's just weird and annoying to have one and not the other. I would be cool with either.
  14. Well, I marked all of them, why? Because the more leagues and countries the game has, the better I think it is and I'd want all of them, every single one. If I were to pick just one though, I guess it would be Cyprus since their main competition is pretty high up the world ratings, just below Denmark.
  15. This is true, I can end up with more than 500 players in my Reserve/Youth team at times when I really go hard on trials. Sometimes it takes 30 seconds just to open the squad view on my Reserve or Youth team.
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