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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. nevermind, i just got the problem it's caused by "adding new league" and i just realized i try to add belgium league to the game, after i remove it it does work. might start another save after full release.
  2. i already upload 2 saves, 1 the save it's named "intermilan 1 (vellione)" that already cannot be loaded on 1st july and "moon guardiola - palermo last june" that still playable on 28th june. thanks
  3. so i've been playing for a while and the save is fine for several season, but it's weird whenever i'm going to season 2026/2027 and save it it always corrupted (save could not be loaded). i've been trying several ways including save it on cloud but it's still being corrupt on season 2026/2027. please help i'm getting desperate
  4. so my player's on loan is not get the playing time that we ask on proposal. so i try to chat with another coach to discuss about the issue, but then i can't click anything on the chat option and anything i can do is to just close the chat
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