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Posts posted by EffectiveFball

  1. 35 minutes ago, kiwityke1983 said:

    It's on page 8 is a blue highlighted reply from Jack Joyce and he discusses the passing stats in detail after some other stuff.

    Just read the post. Doesn't alleviate my concern at all.

    I am referring to the premier League, not lower leagues.

    The difference in pass completion is so large it cannot be explained away by more accurately recorded clearances. It seems unlikely this would make much more than a percentage point of difference.

    I can simulate 1 to 1 to see how passing has change. Simulating the same save in fm23 and fm24 produces significantly higher pass completion in the latter. No teams broke 90% completion in fm23 but 6 do in fm24. Burnley averaging 69% in fm23 are averaging 81% in FM24.

    My tactic is averaging the same completion numbers, which suggests to me there is a problem with the behaviour of AI teams/managers.



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